Author Topic: Missing a few old posters  (Read 2771 times)


  • Hectare
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Missing a few old posters
« on: February 05, 2022, 08:01:35 »
Now we are supposed to be coming slowly out of the pandemic, which I don't really believe, More like throwing us to the wolves, I notice a lot of our posters have ceased posting, hopefully because there is nothing to say. But if you are still lurking in the forum drop in and say hello, you won't need a passport or lateral flow test here.


  • Hectare
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  • Vendée, France
Re: Missing a few old posters
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2022, 09:37:25 »
It has been very quiet but given the weather patterns so far this winter I suspect there's not a lot of allotment activity going on.

All I've done lately is sow some broad beans between Xmas and NY and look after things in the polytunnel.  Even here it's been just too cold and wet for anything else.   Busy week coming up here but planning to clear, clean and decorate the living room from Friday as light levels improve.   I'm very much hoping that by the time that's done the weather will be better for some weeding and planting and transplanting and some sowing too.
Obxx - Vendée France


  • Half Acre
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Re: Missing a few old posters
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2022, 18:34:50 »
I have checked in every night but it has been very quiet hopefully it will pick up soon with sowing season coming up 
Barnsley S Yorks

Deb P

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Re: Missing a few old posters
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2022, 22:53:10 »
I’m still playing catch up with winter jobs as have annoyingly had a foot injury the past month which has only responded to rest which I am frankly rubbish at. So it flares up again as soon as I try putting boots on, back to the blooming sofa. Sitting looking out of the window just seeing all the garden jobs I meet to do, prune roses, still have some bulbs to plant!!! I had to employ a bloke to do the hedges in the end as the birds are starting to pair off and needed to get them sorted before they nest. Still have plenty of clearing up to do at the lottie but it’s going to have to wait until the leg stays reliable. I don’t like this growing older lark much, bits of you start playing up which you haven’t had a problem with before! So making use of sitting down time, I’ve done some pretty detailed planting plans for the plot and printed off a sowing schedule, now just sitting on my hands so I don’t die too early! 😂
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


  • Hectare
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Re: Missing a few old posters
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2022, 09:51:26 »
That sounds very frustrating Deb P.   Not a good time to be stuck in front of a TV unless you like rugby and winter sports.

I too still have bulbs to plant and may have to resort to pots.  Bitter winds today and more wet stuff expected so no weeding or planting in borders without compacting wet soil.   Nothing to plant out in the veg plot either yet tho I do now have the space when conditions allow.   OH decided yesterday that since our broccoli plants had no flower shoots since late December that he'd pull them all up!

He's forgotten, if he ever knew, that brassicas and co just hunker down in December but by mid March they'd be bursting with buds and shoots again.  Doh!  Got an ear bashing.
Obxx - Vendée France

Deb P

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Re: Missing a few old posters
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2022, 11:18:07 »
So making use of sitting down time, I’ve done some pretty detailed planting plans for the plot and printed off a sowing schedule, now just sitting on my hands so I don’t die too early! 😂

Just noticed a typo on this last bit…….it should read “ sitting on my hands so I don’t sow too early” ….a bit dramatic otherwise! 😂😂

Yes I’ve just invested in some new big pots as it’s increasingly unlikely I’m going to be able to plant them in soil, I was driven by my daughter (under the guise of her being a learner driver and needing me supervising her) to see some half price bargains I managed to hobble over to select! 🥴🤣
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


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    • Barriedale Allotments
Re: Missing a few old posters
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2022, 09:37:15 »
Sadly I think I lot of people have migrated over to FB groups or to Reddit..
There are some really active groups with tens of thousands of members and dozens of posts a day..  I keep away from them aside from a few Portugal based ones but I check in on them very now and then and see the same things posted over and over again.
Meanwhile here we are gearing up for the season(s) - this year I am going to treat it as two seasons and slow down a bit in summer.
We are harvesting lots of broccoli, broad beans are looking good, sowed some radish and beets direct and bought my first load of tomato seedlings to see how we go.
It is an important time here but the weather can be odd.  Beautiful days with clear skies and 20C but nights are cold and we get a frost due to the dip in the land.  We are already in drought and there are serious concerns for the year ahead - hopefully the well will keep us in.  Regardless everyone is planting up now - spuds going in, lots of lettuce, cabbage, caulis, brussels and other brassicas being planted out..  In a few weeks it will be all go - just need to keep an eye on overnight temps...
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!

Deb P

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Re: Missing a few old posters
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2022, 09:51:04 »
I only really use Fb to keep in touch with friends and former colleagues, I’ve tried being on a few UK gardening groups and as you said you get an awful lot of repetition where people ask the same thing and get numerous replies mostly saying the same information as they don’t read previous posts properly! Our local allotment group is slowly becoming more active but apart from that I don’t bother with any other gardening groups, A4A is a much better resource. I also worry we might not see some of our previous A4A stalwarts again…😢
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


  • Hectare
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Re: Missing a few old posters
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2022, 11:26:02 »
I'm sure that the inexorable march of time will be one of the reasons we no longer see posts from some of them Ace. Even old gardeners eventually fade away  :tearyeyed: but, as you say, they are missed.

I now lurk more than post and am always disappointed when I find there have been no new posts and notice that the weekends are particularly quiet.

I'm now able to do very little in my small garden but am lucky to have someone who does most of the work for me. I still grow all my own plants from seed and take pleasure in watching him fill the raised beds at planting out time so I'll keep going as long as I can.

Tricia  :wave:


  • Hectare
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Re: Missing a few old posters
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2022, 15:30:59 »

I too probably lurk more than post, I miss a lot of the old posters but haven't seen anything as good as A4all.  There is so much wonderful inspiration on here, Thank you Dan for keeping it going for us, it is much appreciated  :happy7:Hi,


  • Half Acre
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Re: Missing a few old posters
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2022, 17:12:12 »
I agree with you and must admit that I have not contributed anything for ages but have still been reading the posts regularly.   I have been a member for some years and have always regarded this the best site.   I have found some very useful advice over the years and will continue to be "in the background" unless I can add any gems of information.


  • Hectare
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Re: Missing a few old posters
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2022, 18:01:22 »
I too look at the site almost daily, although I don't post often.  it is much appreciated, so I really hope Dan et al will keep it going with enthusiasm, despite the low rate of posts.  We have never used FB, and don't intend to start.  Nor anything else like that.  This site is good, friendly, and small enough.

You're well ahead in Portugal, Barriedale!  Doesn't sound as if you get a proper winter rest though - be careful!

We've had beautiful weather these last four weeks, -4 most nights, frost, but clear skies and glorious sunshine all day.

February has crept up on me, and suddenly I'm realising I should be looking out for seed potatoes, went shopping today, and found Charlotte, in  smaller quantities than I used to buy them.  Not have had any visitors  chez nous for two years (what a huge change), we're not getting through as many veg as we used to.  So I will try to sow less this year, although I have my doubts!  But I will look at starting off my tomatoes . . . . . .

Spring is coming, happy gardening everyone!


  • Hectare
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Re: Missing a few old posters
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2022, 21:23:59 »
The main page often shows only one or two users actually logged in, sometimes none at all. 

But the number of guests is rarely less than one hundred and at times even higher.  I think these are readers, mostly non members but as we all often lurk a few members too.  Now the advertisements are probably the main funding for the site, so posting informative and interesting content is probably helping to make this a go to place for guests.

And that is what counts for advertising.  Lots of readers will help keep this site viable.  So let's not be shy. Share your plans, experiences, failures and triumphs. The members produce the content and the better it is the more the site will attract readers. 

Best wishes to all.
Not mad, just out to mulch!


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