Author Topic: DIATOMACEOUS EARTH  (Read 5855 times)


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« on: June 09, 2015, 20:20:25 »
Does anyone have experience of using Diatomaceous Earth to control flea beetle?
It looks as if it could work out to be quite expensive depending on how it's applied but the reports I've read suggests it works. Thanks.


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« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2015, 08:31:40 »
Not at all sure what it is.  Seems to come from Peru.

« Last Edit: June 10, 2015, 08:35:22 by Digeroo »


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« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2015, 08:56:15 »
I admit I have yet to trial DE powder in gardening situation..well, I've had small trials but can't say I have real experience. I use it more and less for everything else..dogs, chickens, grain/seed storage and it works brilliantly  :icon_cheers:
I have read its many gardening applications and I can't say why it would not work..even with flea beetles. Though issue with them is that they are so widespread and quick movers, that even if you would treat your plot/garden against them...there is millions of them waiting to come over from 'next door' and they have so many generation during growing season too. Since I have over the years regularly spread all chickens muck on the land...the powder will end up into the soil..though not in its 'fresh' powdery form on the surface but dug in or as mixed in within mulch. I generally don't have big issues with soil level pest...other than slugs and maybe the it has had some influence in the soil..??
Have you got real trouble with them then?
I find them least troublesome insects, mainly just causing bit of nibbling on leaves..though some seedlings are eaten, but since I prefer to pre-grow lot of veg in plugs, they will escape the attack in early stages and later on it is only some 'cosmetic' damage.

It is worth of trialling and the powder is not that expensive neither...little goes long way. And if you buy it 'loose' form, rather than in 'brand packaging', you will get it in good price. Ebay has many sellers who have bought it in bulk and sell it then in smaller quantities. I tend to buy it in 10kg quantities to attract the best price (full sack it bit too much for me).
If you do decide to trial...let us know how you get on!


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« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2015, 21:17:06 »
Not at all sure what it is.  Seems to come from Peru. is good link to read about it..  :icon_thumleft:


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« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2015, 22:10:51 »
What I do not understand is why it is not dangerous to humans.  Certainly some indication you should wear a mask to keep it out of your lungs.  Not clear why it is not bad for you generally.


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« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2015, 05:14:39 »
What I do not understand is why it is not dangerous to humans.  Certainly some indication you should wear a mask to keep it out of your lungs.  Not clear why it is not bad for you generally.

Inhaling it would not be that can irritate lungs. It is as fine as talcum powder, when applied it will be 'dusty' at first but soon settles down...supposed it takes available moisture in and become heavier??
As being 'bad generally' is like 'sucking up bones'..natural product or silica which we do need (or is beneficial)in small quantities.
I'll try to dig out for you more info...I remember reading more detail medical info about it regarding human consumption.

As animal supplement and insect treatment....I use it externally for chickens and their housing and mix some in their and dog's food =mineral 'pill' and wormer 2 in 1  :icon_cheers:

BTW...I put some in my saved pea and bean seeds...if there should be 'dodgy' seed with unwanted 'visitors'...they won't do any damage as they will die in their pea in which they entered.

I'll come back soon with more info...must dash to work now....


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« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2015, 07:01:23 »
I'm back...
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What I do not understand is why it is not dangerous to humans.  Certainly some indication you should wear a mask to keep it out of your lungs.  Not clear why it is not bad for you generally.
I just had quick look around and I can't find the particular page I was looking for..but there is loads of info 'out there' when one does bit of googling.
I already mentioned it that it can be irritant for the lungs but it haven't been found being harmful in 'dangerous way' other than those who are exposed to it in regular basis....just like farmers can get problems from long/regular exposure for spores from hay/straw..or miners with coal dust.

 But basically, it comes down to this...

"DE is made from unicellular algae-like fossilized water plants called diatoms, these have been around since prehistoric times and are mined and finely ground. Besides containing approximately 3% magnesium, 33% silicon, 19% calcium and 2% iron it also contains approximately 15 trace minerals essential to our well-being.
There are numerous benefits from taking DE on a daily basis. It can be taken daily by humans, dogs, cats, poultry and farm animals for eliminating worms and as a general supplement"

And few links that have more about it..
« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 07:27:22 by goodlife »

early weeder

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« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2015, 12:14:03 »
I was thinking of using borax mixed with icing sugar to try and get rid of the ants who have set up a very good aphid farm in the lettuces in our polytunnel. But it looks like Diatomaceous Earth is less toxic to humans so long as you don't breath too much in. So thanks for leading me to look it up AlanO.

I know someone who put it between their floorboards to get rid of a bedbug invasion.

On a historical/educational note Diatomite which is the same thing was mined in the Isle of Skye until 1960 from the bottom of a loch on the Trotternish penisula. It was used for dynamite!  You can read about it here
I remember hearing about the trouble they had making wooden carts without any holes in because the stuff is so fine that by the end of a trip to the jetty it would have all poured out like sand in an hour glass.


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« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2015, 13:49:41 »
I've put DE powder in test with black aphids on broad beans....and it looks like it is doing it job very well :icon_cheers:
At first I mixed the powder with water in old washing up bottle....but it didn't quite work right...the bottle was easy way to 'jet' the solution on but it kept running off from aphids..should have added something to make it more sticky.
Couple of days later I could see those aphid that had some was already dropping off, but this method of application was effective enough...SO I needed plan B.... :icon_scratch:

Next thing I tried involved big blusher brush..(girls, you know what I talk about..well some of you lads might too.. :drunken_smilie:) I systematically applied dry power with make up brush over each aphid clusters..the powder has been working couple of I'm about to venture out and see if it has caused mass elimination yet..  I shall report the results shortly...

Edit to add; Just been to see my plants and yes, DE powder has worked some amount...not total wipe out but at least 50% rate. Once the day cool down a little, I shall later on repeat it again on those patches where there aphids are. I suspect 'patchy' result is due for some showers we've had last couple of days and washing the powder off.
I'm HAPPY with the results and although it is little effort to do it, plant by works, it is not chemical, it doesn't make sticky/tacky mess, don't harm wild life or me, not expensive..I would say it is a WINNER! Now if I could only find right kind of bottle or something that I could 'puff' the powder on, over the those horrid beasts...
« Last Edit: June 30, 2015, 14:34:51 by goodlife »


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« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2015, 14:54:53 »
Do wear a mask if you are puffing it about. 

You can buy a special puffer bottle


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« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2015, 15:16:56 »
Thanks Digeroo for suggestion  :icon_thumleft:
I've had similar bottle and they do work well when the powder is spread on larger inside chiken's shed..but for plants I would need something with more nozzle. olden days they used to have those powder? applicators that looked like  bicycle pumps....I wonder if I could find one of those for good price....


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« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2015, 15:29:57 »
There is modern powder puffers available....but they are not actually cheap....
I like this one, though I might have to think for a while and see how my pocket money is accumulating....

Edit to add....
I think I found what I was looking for  :icon_cheers:...
« Last Edit: June 30, 2015, 15:56:45 by goodlife »


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« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2015, 09:05:31 »
Should anybody else need can buy these cheap caps for soft plastic bottles...

Too late for me.. :BangHead:


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