Author Topic: Persimmons  (Read 1165 times)


  • Half Acre
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« on: February 18, 2012, 19:34:19 »
Persimmons or Sharon fruits. I have been eating this kind of fruit when it is in season for 50 years ,and I have never had a seed in any of the fruits until today. I am wondering if it would be possible to try and grow it! what do you think? How deep would you plant and what kind of compost? I once was lucky enough to grow an Advocate seed. I put it in the airing cupboard. wonder should I try same with this seed? Any thoughts?


  • Hectare
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Re: Persimmons
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2012, 22:17:32 »
I have a book somewhere on growing pips and things I will dig it out abd get back to you

Got it and I quote.

Although most persimmons are seedless,the smaller varieties are more likely to bear seeds.The seeds are dark brown,oblong and at least 1/2 " long.Do not be misled by the tiny black seeds found in the tip of the fruit,these are abortive seeds and will bot grow.

To start extract seeds from fruit.Stratify them in the fridge,this should provide good germination.To stratify fill half a plastic container with moistened peat moss,scatter the seds on top,'cover with plastic bag and put un fridgr,Check weeklyto be sure the  peat moss is still moist After 6 -8 weeks plant 1 seed per moistened Jiffy pellet or small pot in sterile soil and cover with plastic bag, germination should be about 2 weeks.

Once the seedlings have sprouted,remove the bag and place in light.They grow best in a southers or western exposure

Young seedlings are ugly duclings,stem is first,shaped like a loop within two weeks it should go straight and the first leaves shoul appear,when 3 inches high repot in 4 inch pot .

When iy is afoot high,pinch back to encourage it's natural round shape,they must be carefully watered and not allowed to dry out. Indoors they will not flower but they can become sturdy littlt  trees,put plants out during the warmer monthd,when they drop their leaves in the fall,bring inside and place in a cool place or garage. Hardy to 10f

Hope this helps, good luck and sorry for th typhos I am in a hurry

XX Jeannine,
« Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 22:41:33 by Jeannine »
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


  • Half Acre
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  • Posts: 192
Re: Persimmons
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2012, 00:35:46 »
Thanks for your reply Jeannine. I only found 1 seed and it is quite plump. I'm going to give it a go and see if it will germinate. nothing ventured nothing gained eh?


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