Author Topic: How much free range?  (Read 1985 times)


  • Quarter Acre
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How much free range?
« on: April 16, 2011, 08:38:02 »
I have four hens in a commercially available coop/house which is designed to house between 3 and 5 (so I know is about the right size. It has a run about 3' x 8' and an extension run with another 4' x 8' so 56 sq ft in total.

I let them out in the garden when I am about and can watch them, but really want some advice on what is best for the birds. Is the enclosed space (as above) enough for them to be happy? I ask because we are due to go away for a weekend and I don't want to ask my neighbour to do any more than needed, so it would be easier to keep them cooped up, but I don't want to distress the girls especially as they have (finally) now all started to lay for me.

They get shut in the house at night (and go there of their own accord) and have raised feeders/drinkers and the occasional white cabbage string from the ceiling which they adore.

I guess I am hoping someone will say "you have ample enclosed space and there really is no need to let them out at all" so that I can feel that letting them out into the garden is a treat an not a requirement. I know they are kept in much less space as batteries, but I would never want to think I was even close to recreating THOSE conditions.


  • Quarter Acre
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Re: How much free range?
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2011, 09:14:22 »
They will be fine over the weekend in your run and will be very happy to be let out occasionally when you are there. When they are kept in and you are not there, hanging some greens or swede from the roof for them to peck at will keep them amused and help stop any infighting there might be due to boredom.
Like any other animal continual freedom is what nature intended but they will adjust and get used to your routine and will be very happy I'm sure. You have their welfare at heart by the sounds of it and they will be let out regularly. Enjoy your weekend and try not to worry.


  • Hectare
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Re: How much free range?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2011, 20:47:02 »
Just someting to I'm consern about...make sure that there is more than one source water availabe for them. If you are leaving them without back up from neigbour/friend...and your girls would manage to knock drinker would be sad house to come back to.. :-\
Your run size is fine..


  • Acre
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Re: How much free range?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2011, 21:48:07 »
Yes, you do have ample enclosed space, imo!

My chickens are in a bit less than yours (4 birds). I have had them 2 years now. I started off planning on a free run of the garden, but I am afraid I love my garden too much. After the bad, bad girls did lots of bad things like eating all my pea seedlings they became run dwellers.  They only get let out occasionally when I am around for strict supervision. They are absolutely fine, lay very well, and seem cheerful so far as you can tell with a chicken. If they are unhappy, eg food run out, they let me know by making an absolute racket, so I think they would be able to communicate (or get ill) if they weren't OK.

They have a deep layer of hemp bedding to scratch in, greens and corn as well as layers pellets every day, plus cabages etc (bolted ones excellent at this time of year!) hung from roof.


  • Quarter Acre
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Re: How much free range?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2011, 15:55:56 »
Yes I think the space is enough, they may not like being shut in now the have had the freedom tho!

My 2 hens have a coup with run which I purchased online, it was supposed to be for 4 hens but was quite small, so my DH made an 'extension' to it for them, this is about 6' x 14' so the have loads of room, it isnt enclosed at the top but is too high for them to fly over (we know cos we had that prob!)    All seemed well unitl the whole area was turned into just mud by them! I bought turfs to cover the 'outside' area but they devoured these in no time, again just a boring enclosure !   cant think how to make it more interesting for them!    I do let them have complete run of the garden (which is very large) during the winter, but dont allow this in summer, as, no.1  I grow veggies and they would destroy this! and 2. I have my very young grandchildren often and dont want them running into chicken poo which is all over the grass!  However this makes it quite hard getting them used to being enclosed again even tho their run is huge for 2!   they have such a way of making me feel guilty!!!
You always love your children more than they love you...


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