Author Topic: fuming!!!!!  (Read 12947 times)


  • Hectare
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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #100 on: May 20, 2009, 11:10:23 »
I've been reading this thread with interest and in some ways trying not to laugh, at peoples remarks and mock horror.

The originator of the post shows how shocked he is at the teachers remarks but then calls another member a T**T for basically disagreeing with him. IMO if you dont want people to disagree with you keep it off the forum. In fact, and this is my opinion only, why is it on here in the first place - this is about gardening and allotments its a shame the longest thread for a while is about something completely unreleated.

No one, not even the originator should comment because there is one thing missing from this post and that is hard facts ie evidence

and as for the person that suggested suing for large sums of cash, now I know why the country is in such a state

oh well back to my weeding

« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 11:12:11 by daileg »


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #101 on: May 20, 2009, 11:28:07 »
This post has got everyone going.  I just don't know, he/she may be a rubbish teacher, it does happen sometimes.  We don't know how long they have been teaching, any trouble in the past etc. etc.  I agree that teachers have a hard time nowadays, when I was at school, secondary school at 11 years a boy was made to stand in the rubbish basket in the corner all lesson.  My father did go up to the school and complain as I had been to a church school previously and when the teacher swore at the class and called me rubbish because I was nervous at reading in front of the class and started stuttering (which I had never done before) asked what school I had come from and as we hadn't learnt French said I was rubbish and couldn't read (which was untrue).  He didn't tell me he had gone to the school but said the 'Headmaster was a complete idiot'.  He wanted to send me to private school, but I had made many friends by then and wanted to stay.  My friend and me (both from the same church school, where everyone was so nice, and we weren't allowed to say shut up, spent our first break crying in the toilets.  When my granddaughter first went to school at 5 asked her want she learnt on her first day, and she said 'how to spit' and gave a demonstration. (I did try not to laugh). It is a hard world out there and think one has to learn to mix with all types and take a bit of telling off without taking it personally.  We can't protect children all the time, although would love to, and find they usually find their own way.  If course if it is bullying or violence or stabbing or drugs, sexual abuse would take it very seriously but as my mother used to say 'sticks and stones will hurt my bones but words will never hurt me'.    I wasn't going to get drawn into this discussion as it really between the parent, child and the school


  • Hectare
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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #102 on: May 20, 2009, 11:46:02 »
We have to learn to live with authority figures, to respect them, to countenance them, and sometimes even when they are in the wrong, to 'put up with them'.  This goes for Teachers, Doctors, Police etc.

Being called a dickhead in class is humiliating, it is wrong.  But in life people get humiliated and people get it wrong sometimes.  I think thats better than creating a situation where Teachers, Police etc are too scared to do anything to exercise control or enforce respect because little Timothys mum will come down the school and sort the teacher out or even sue!!

Teachers, Police etc are increasingly powerless in todays Britain, there is a breakdown of respect amongst many youths, witness how often you see youths dumping their take away wrappers on the streets because they know everyone is too scared to challenge them now.

Best laid plans and all that


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #103 on: May 20, 2009, 12:30:45 »
Well that is just a perfect outcome!

One teacher on paid suspension - however many children without one teacher missing out on their education - because one kid didn't like being called dickhead and went home to tell his daddy!

Bloody marvelous - should be proud of yourself Simmo!  Done the whole area and school and a load of kids a wonderful service!

Grow up - get a life - let your kids also grow up in a "normal" world! As has been said many times he will face a lot more worries than being called a "nasty name"!!!!!

Old Bird

Yes he should be! If the teacher was a rubbish one and was verbally abusing children then they are better off without him!  Are you telling me you would rather the children have a bad teacher then a good supply one?  I think we as a society deserve better for our children, if only others did too!!

Old bird

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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #104 on: May 20, 2009, 12:39:41 »

Where are you picking up that he was a bad teacher?

He said the pupil was a "dickhead"

Does he deserve to lose his job, possibly his home, his wife and children are to suffer for calling a kid "dickhead".

Overreaction by parents.  You state that
Well that is just a perfect outcome!

One teacher on paid suspension - however many children without one teacher missing out on their education - because one kid didn't like being called dickhead and went home to tell his daddy!

Bloody marvelous - should be proud of yourself Simmo!  Done the whole area and school and a load of kids a wonderful service!

Grow up - get a life - let your kids also grow up in a "normal" world! As has been said many times he will face a lot more worries than being called a "nasty name"!!!!!

Yes he should be! If the teacher was a rubbish one and was verbally abusing children then they are better off without him!  Are you telling me you would rather the children have a bad teacher then a good supply one?  I think we as a society deserve better for our children, if only others did too!!
  I think todays children are pandered to and pampered and will become a waste of space if they cannot accept discipline.

The school already had a stabbing (probably this teachers fault eh Sparklebug)  was it because a teacher called a pupil a name.  And with superhero dads going in to thump the teachers wow that really is teaching the kids how to behave.  I don't consider calling a kid "dickhead" verbal abuse - for crying out loud where do you live if you think that this is verbal abuse?  Cuckoo land probably!

Old Bird :o


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #105 on: May 20, 2009, 12:49:21 »
I agree with you Old Bird.

I think some people expect our teachers to act like machines. >:(


  • Hectare
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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #106 on: May 20, 2009, 12:52:02 »
well Ive listened and been Reading this thread from the beginning

will only say this the teacher was wrong for swearing he probably understands this giving the opportunity will have said sorry for his behavior as for him being suspended very harsh ill agree with the most you haven't the guts to reply this world we are living in has become a complete nanny state due to people ,parents being overly protected what once was considered to be the right thing has been completely taken from context .
ill repeat i don't condone violence nor abusive behaviour to others treat everyone with respect then will be treated with respect in return and as for the juveniles of today i have had them in the back of my prison van and taken to court pampered there needs as that's what i was being paid to do ,
let me tell you the majority think the legal system a joke and they laugh at the face of court as there rights are so great .
when are we all going to sit up and realise the actions we take as parents and adults are spoiling our youth today with mamby pamby principles where we walk behind them and give them chocolate bars evertime they come from school we pick up the crap and put up withere crap because if we dared to to say what is right and what isn't they will quote some section from law that says they do not need to comply .
we having children divorcing parents because they didn't get the pair of trainers they wanted after having temper tantrums

COME ON PEOPLE  what are we doing here and where are we all going with this again will say shorly this could have been settled like adults that we are supposed to be .


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #107 on: May 20, 2009, 13:06:12 »
Hahaha if only i did live in cloud cuckoo land  ;)

Yes i agree with  you that we live in a namby pamby state and i also agree discipline is missing from our schools and home but and i reiterate it is not okay to call anyone a degrotory name - adult or child.  Discipline works wonders when it's done correctly and humilating a person isn't the way to go.   

If you had bothered to read one of my previous posts i state that i wouldn't want him to lose his job but get further training but if he is on  his last warning then obviously his teaching style isn't working.


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #108 on: May 20, 2009, 23:16:46 »

What a mess this all is. and I to think children have to much say today .


  • Hectare
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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #109 on: May 21, 2009, 19:58:55 »
Lets put this one to bed now hey     :-X :-X :-X.


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #110 on: May 21, 2009, 22:41:27 »
Very sensible suggestion.  Enough, is enough.


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #111 on: May 21, 2009, 22:52:33 »
Yes thats right.
Best laid plans and all that


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  • Flowerofshona
Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #112 on: May 21, 2009, 23:21:29 »
Good Lord !
To think what 'childern ' call teachers and the amount of teachers that are hit and spat on by the brats of today !
Ok if the child was behaving and did nothing to prompt the teacher to call him a name then he was in the wrong !
Im afraid im of the opinion of bring back the slipper ect as in all animal life the younger members are kept in their place, i have dogs and when the pups get above themselves mum turns on them she does not try to reason with them  ;D  apes do the same the adults will put a yongster quickly in there place !
We as humans used to do this and i lost count of how many slaps i got as a kid and i can not remember
one single one it was fast and over with !
I live in an area with loads of kids and they are out of hand and running riot, one kicked his mother because she did not have money for sweets !!Lets get real and treat kids as kids not mini adults !
How teachers keep there cool is nothing short of a miracal !
Ask yourself was your child disrupting the whole class by doing his sums out loud ?
Its time children where given their childhood back and where put under less stress to become adults at 10 years old !
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 23:53:23 by flowerofshona2007 »


  • Hectare
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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #113 on: May 26, 2009, 08:00:32 »

  Don't want to reopen this post if it is not acceptable to,  have been away

  for a week and the replies have got me remembering my school days and

  upbringing during the late forties and fifties.   Very different !

  Just a social view on the subject  --       :)

  floss xxx
Hertfordshire,   south east England


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