Author Topic: fuming!!!!!  (Read 12610 times)


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2009, 07:54:00 »
I would get the facts, hear what the teacher has to say. Children have an amazing way of defusing the truth !! It may not of been said in a nasty way and to be honest there would be things that would bother me more.

For crying out loud.

Get a life!

The little twerp is going to get called a lot worse than that before much longer, especially if he can't even add up.

And as for this comment. Jeez. How rude. I wonder how you would feel if I came to you and said that about your family.


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #21 on: May 16, 2009, 07:56:22 »
yes, how outrageous of me to think that there might be 2 sides to the story and that it may not have been said in the way the child is portraying.  If a child is messing around and hamming it up then the comment can have been made jokingly, even affectionately - but no! let's not bother to find out, let's just hang him first and ask questions later.  gardening and greyhounds....


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #22 on: May 16, 2009, 08:18:38 »
If the boy was being a d**khead well done that teacher! To often these days our children literally get away with murder. If not an apology should suffice. Talk of violence is ill advised and as for sueing even in our ridiculous litigious society I think it would be laughed out of court. Take a deep breath and as others have advised check there isn't another side to this.


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2009, 08:50:13 »
One of my daughters teachers swore at her class in Polish!!  My daughter knew what the Polish teacher had sworn and told a friend who told a friend etc etc until it was round the school that this teacher was a TERRIBLE teacher as she swore at the kids.

I demanded that my daughter was removed from that Class with immediate effect, without hearing the other side of the story.  I was shocked to hear the truth when I went to the school.  A small group of boys caused this teacher a lot of grief.

It turned out that this poor teacher was harassed and abused by  11 year olds because she was foreign and lost her patience and swore under her breath in Polish. 

I agree, before getting mad and jumping to any conclusions, go and see the head and calmly ask what happened :) 

Mr Smith

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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #24 on: May 16, 2009, 09:18:51 »
How things have changed at school,  I would sooner be called a Dick Head by my teacher than have seven kinds of Crap knocked out of me by my woodwork teacher,


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #25 on: May 16, 2009, 09:34:09 »
well id just like to say thankx eristic for your lovely comments.
For crying out loud.

Get a life!

The little twerp is going to get called a lot worse than that before much longer, especially if he can't even add up.
Don't you think you're overreacting. Just maybe he is a dick[/b][/b]head.

It's this modern mamby pamby reaction that is dumbing down education. Sit the kid down and help him learn to do his sums properly and tell him to have more respect for the teacher.
how dare you.
you dont know my son! top of his year! house captain! football team captain!never had a detention!
just like you this teacher was out of order!
and if you think im over reacting see how you feel if i come and stick my pitch fork where the sun dont shine you insensitive TW*T!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2009, 09:39:04 by simmo116 »


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #26 on: May 16, 2009, 09:41:35 »
No excuse for using language like that. My advice Simmo would be to contact the head teacher to register your concern and at the same time ask for the contact address for the Chair of Goveners as you will be writing to them.  That will focus their minds and I bet you'll be invited in for tea and bikkies and your lad will get his apology.   Wonder what would be happening right now if your child called the teacher a D**k Head!!
They don't like it up em you know!!! ;) ;)

I think they'd be sent out the class and that'd be about it, with maybe some lines. Kids are allowed to be far more abusive to teachers than they used to. They have the power now, which I think is very wrong.

I know what he said was wrong but there's no way I'd be a teacher these days, perhaps your son was unlucky and got the teachers frustrations that had built up due to having to bow to all the troublemakers over the years.

I don't know if I'd want to destroy someones carrer because of one insult. Unless of course he's a notoriously awful teacher who regularly bullies certain kids.

Its easy to sit back and judge teachers but there's no way I could do it with teenage kids. I think I'd want to strangle them.

I think there are some extreme comments here.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2009, 09:48:52 by sawfish »


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #27 on: May 16, 2009, 09:48:33 »
As a teacher myself, the comment was unacceptable, But, before you go in all guns blazing get the other side of the story. If the teacher has said this they will already be in alot of trouble. Even the nicest of kids can behave inappropriately at times. I am not saying your son did, but getting a balanced view is important. Some of the things that have been said to me in my job I could not post on here. Most of these were when I did a bit of odd day supply in inner city Manchester, but they are shocking. Saying this, I have worked at selective schools where the students have also, though in the minority, been very rude and difficult.  I have never sworn at a student and I am known for keeping my cool, but I can tell you from experience that it is hard at times! The swearing is not excusable, but showing your son that investigating in a fair and pragmatic way is important too.


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #28 on: May 16, 2009, 09:50:12 »
No excuse for using language like that. My advice Simmo would be to contact the head teacher to register your concern and at the same time ask for the contact address for the Chair of Goveners as you will be writing to them.  That will focus their minds and I bet you'll be invited in for tea and bikkies and your lad will get his apology.   Wonder what would be happening right now if your child called the teacher a D**k Head!!
They don't like it up em you know!!! ;) ;)

I think they'd be sent out the class and that'd be about it, with maybe some lines. Kids are allowed to be far more abusive to teachers than they used to. They have the power now, which I think is very wrong.

I know what he said was wrong but there's no way I'd be a teacher these days, perhaps your son was unlucky and got the teachers frustrations that had built up due to having to bow to all the troublemakers over the years.

I don't know if I'd want to destroy someones carrer because of one insult. Unless of course he's a notoriously awful teacher who regularly bullies certain kids.

Its easy to sit back and judge teachers but there's no way I could do it with teenage kids. I think I'd want to strangle them.

I think there are some extreme comments here about sacking the teacher. I'd love to know how 'perfect' everyone in this forum is when they're at work.


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #29 on: May 16, 2009, 10:09:09 »
I'm generally a lurker but really had to reply to this.  Some of the comments on this thread are outragious and very rude.  I hope that new members aren't put off from posting on this forum as most members are very helpful and polite, apart from a selective few!

Now back on topic, on Monday morning i would go and see the headteacher and calmly put your complaint to him/her (don't give anybody the satisfaction of beging angry, you may say something you'll regret) and also write to the governors explaining what happened to your son.

Under no circumstances is it okay to swear at a child, he is just that a child!

Good luck and please keep us informed on future developments


  • Acre
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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2009, 10:38:42 »

Is a teacher to be sacked for a comment like this, I think not. there are more things to think about than a silly comment. made by  a teacher in the heat of the moment,

Mr Smith

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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2009, 10:39:57 »
All this reminds me of the story that Stan Boardman tells about when he was at  school in Liverpool and he thought his name was TW-T because the  teacher was always cracking him around the head and calling him a  TW-T, ;D ;D
« Last Edit: May 16, 2009, 10:53:24 by Mr Smith »


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2009, 10:58:56 »
The language the kids use today is different from that which was used when we were young.Dickhead today would probably have meant Duffer or similar when we were young. It's totally different these days. I remember when my kids were at school how outraged we were when the kids were encouraged to call the teacher by their christian name. This was the start of the slippery slope as far as I'm concerned. Lack of respect on both sides
When I get old I don't want people thinking
                      "What a sweet little old lady"........
                             I want em saying
                    "Oh Crap! Whats she up to now ?"


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2009, 11:08:34 »
I thought this was going to get heated so will not add my opinion as you know your own child.  Hope you get it sorted to your satisfaction on Monday.  If you are not happy with the school generally, apart from this one incident, may be worth trying to change schools.

Mr Smith

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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2009, 11:10:41 »
I'm afraid I fell foul of my woodwork teacher when I told him to go away in two words and this was in 1962, no messing he marched me out the woodwork class in to the cloakroom, he had come from working in industry to be a woodwork teacher, he got hold of me by the lapels threatend to knock seven kinds of crap out of me with language that would make a sailor blush, lesson learnt, ;)


  • Acre
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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2009, 11:34:02 »
I agree with Flunky, that it's really best to take a calm view of it, and wait to get to the bottom of the incident after hearing both sides of the story.

I used to help out in my oldest daughter's primary school class one morning a week, and it was quite amusing to hear her when she came from school full of tales of what had happened in class that day, and her version was entirely different from what I witnessed.  I don't think they necessarily tell lies, but children are very egocentric, and can only see things from their own point of view.  Not to mention that if they think they may be in the wrong, they will quickly convince themselves they weren't.  So while your son may be well convinced he is being totally truthful, and full of injured innocence, things may not have occurred exactly as he says.

There are usually, as the saying goes, three sides to every story. His side, her side, and the truth.  :)
Tread softly, for you tread on my greens.

Two Choices

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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #36 on: May 16, 2009, 12:48:17 »
No excuse for using language like that. My advice Simmo would be to contact the head teacher to register your concern and at the same time ask for the contact address for the Chair of Goveners as you will be writing to them.  That will focus their minds and I bet you'll be invited in for tea and bikkies and your lad will get his apology.   Wonder what would be happening right now if your child called the teacher a D**k Head!!
They don't like it up em you know!!! ;) ;)

I think they'd be sent out the class and that'd be about it, with maybe some lines. Kids are allowed to be far more abusive to teachers than they used to. They have the power now, which I think is very wrong.

I know what he said was wrong but there's no way I'd be a teacher these days, perhaps your son was unlucky and got the teachers frustrations that had built up due to having to bow to all the troublemakers over the years.

I don't know if I'd want to destroy someones carrer because of one insult. Unless of course he's a notoriously awful teacher who regularly bullies certain kids.

Its easy to sit back and judge teachers but there's no way I could do it with teenage kids. I think I'd want to strangle them.

I think there are some extreme comments here.
I thought my comments were quite passive compared to some in this thread. Can't understand why you feel mine are extreme Sawfish! ???


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #37 on: May 16, 2009, 14:06:59 »
I would support the teacher.  I have 3 sons[now adult], and believe me what they could get up to was beyond belief unless you have had boys.  I might mention it to the teacher at Parents Evening, but I don,t think you should in anyway under mind his authority.   I will wait for the replies.

Busy Bee

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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2009, 14:14:18 »
I had a similar thing happen with my daughter. She had her work screwed up in front of evryone and got told it was crap. I wrote to her form tutor who investegated what had happend. It turned out that this was just one of 4 substitute teachers in the maths class that term and whose teaching method did not suit my daughter. She was put into another teachers class   whose style did suit her and whose class she had already been taken out of earlier in the year due to high class numbers. This was despite us fighting to have her put in that class originally. Go to the school and get it sorted out. Try not to get angry as that will just make it worse. My daughter did get an apology  >:(


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Re: fuming!!!!!
« Reply #39 on: May 17, 2009, 01:35:38 »
No excuse for using language like that. My advice Simmo would be to contact the head teacher to register your concern and at the same time ask for the contact address for the Chair of Goveners as you will be writing to them.  That will focus their minds and I bet you'll be invited in for tea and bikkies and your lad will get his apology.   Wonder what would be happening right now if your child called the teacher a D**k Head!!
They don't like it up em you know!!! ;) ;)

I think they'd be sent out the class and that'd be about it, with maybe some lines. Kids are allowed to be far more abusive to teachers than they used to. They have the power now, which I think is very wrong.

I know what he said was wrong but there's no way I'd be a teacher these days, perhaps your son was unlucky and got the teachers frustrations that had built up due to having to bow to all the troublemakers over the years.

I don't know if I'd want to destroy someones carrer because of one insult. Unless of course he's a notoriously awful teacher who regularly bullies certain kids.

Its easy to sit back and judge teachers but there's no way I could do it with teenage kids. I think I'd want to strangle them.

I think there are some extreme comments here.
I thought my comments were quite passive compared to some in this thread. Can't understand why you feel mine are extreme Sawfish! ???

Sorry, yours are quite mild.

To be honest I dont think I'd have noticed if the teacher had called me something so silly as that. I may even have found it funny. I was always being called this and that by teachers, big deal.  Kids must be pretty easily hurt nowadays.

Perhaps they know they'll get the teacher into trouble easily if they mention it to a parent, thereby gaining so called 'respect' points to impress their peers.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2009, 01:44:56 by sawfish »


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