Author Topic: beginners, what do you wish...  (Read 10087 times)


  • Hectare
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Re: beginners, what do you wish...
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2006, 20:56:46 »
You may well get away with it. I remember a case in the 1980's, when I was in Cornwall. There was a derelict farm workers' cottage; it was a typical case; there was a restrictive covenant on the deeds, no farm worker needed it, so it was just left to fall down. A neighbour maintained it quietly for years, repairing the odd broken window or slipped slate, and the gormless owner just took it for granted. The moment he'd been doing it for 20 years, he just moved in with his family. The courts upheld his claim to the property.


  • Half Acre
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Re: beginners, what do you wish...
« Reply #41 on: July 20, 2006, 00:15:36 »
Oh I wish I had done all sorts of things... been doing this allotment thing for 4 years now and this year is the first time I have kept a diary, so I know what I planted and when etc. etc.

Wish I had planted onions, cabbage, garlic in winter for spring, cause only just getting onions now, and don't know about anyone else, but the heat seems to have knackered my red onion and my garlic, the worst Ihave had!

Wish I hadn't planted jerusalem artichokes because although I love eating them, they spread like wildfire and go all over the place, will have to try to dig up more of them this year and try to keep the area fairly clear!

Same goes for potatoes, I move the potato area around alternate years and where I was NOT going to have any potatoes this year, there are absolutely loads because I must have left too many in the ground and they have grown again! So I will do a more thorough dig in autumn to clear theground of spuds.

Now I need to think of something I can still plant now, cause I have a few bare patches.... my neighbour has suggested beetroot and even carrots now, so may get some in tomorrow!

And oh how I love the sun but wish it would rain so I didn't have to go over the plot early in the morning to beat everyone else to the water taps!!


  • Hectare
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Re: beginners, what do you wish...
« Reply #42 on: July 20, 2006, 07:23:22 »
That's interesting about your artichokes; I've grown them for several years, and other family members have grown them in the past. none of them have ever spread. Maybe it's your specific variety?


  • Hectare
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Re: beginners, what do you wish...
« Reply #43 on: July 20, 2006, 10:57:58 »
Hi all,
I wish that I had not shared with somebody else.  I want my own now, and not sure how to do this without breaking friends.  Need my own space etc.
Any suggestions?

I know exactly what you mean. I started off sharing my plot with a friend, but luckily she lost interest and wasn't as motivated as me so I practically have it to myself now, she just pops down now and again to help out and is happy to water when I'm away, and in return she is free to harvest any veg she wants.
Although we're good friends I'm glad I have it to myself now as I can do what I like with it.
As for any suggestions, I'm not sure.  Maybe you could just say that you've really enjoyed sharing but you really fancy having your own allotment.  So long as you make sure that you're not saying that you haven't enjoyed sharing, I'm sure your friend will understand, and you never know they might be thinking the same as you!  Put your name down for another plot.


  • Half Acre
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Re: beginners, what do you wish...
« Reply #44 on: July 20, 2006, 14:49:42 »
I wish I'd known what bindweed looked like while it was still small, before it took over the plot >:(
I wish I'd been braver and asked for a full plot at the outset, instead of doing a load of clearing on one plot and then having to move to get one big enough.

On the whole, I'm happier with the place to myself than trying to share, though ;D



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