More than plenty of ripe tomatoes and cucumbers from the greenhouse and so far over 1/2kg of ripe chills of various varieties (and the really hot ones are just starting to colour). Potatoes in sacks have done well - plenty and a good size. Down at the allotment 90+ onions (bedfordshire champ, ailsa craig, zebrune and red savona) are currently drying. Garlic crop was good this year, with nice big bulbs. Beetroot has done fine, parsnips looking as though they'll be big. Cabbages and Kale all doing well as are brussels and swedes. Chard producing masses. Peas have done well, as did broad beans. Borlotti and Runners just starting to produce. Squashes have plenty of good sized fruit on (especially harlequin and black futsu). Sweetcorn looking like the best I've grown....
... Carrots....... Why is it I can grow all the above without any problems, but I just can't grow carrots. I've managed to grow 4 that were vaguely edible this year, which is to be fair probably 4 more than last year, but I just can't get them to grow!