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Oh my god  oh my god.. oh my, oh oh my god oh my oh my god....... blinking blonking blinkity blink... just had phone call from  peeps... asking where I wuz 2day... oh my god... omigod...omigod..omigod.... I only fort today was satters... shoot and shooooot... looked aright plank.. all this talk of holidays and that.. mahn a whole 4 days has passed me by...... in my favour was the fact that i had done the hiv course back along.. so I have got away with it... but how on earth did I think it was saturday?......

ah well can ease up cuz day of rest tomoz and all that jazz :).... cant believe I did not know what day it is.....

which reminds me dead good film comming on tonite

ITV1  9pm

Theres something about Mary

dead good film...dead funny....

video plus number is..


thank god itz Tuesday.. :)



I always wake up hoping it's saturday, even on saturdays - I'm even happier then when I realise it actually is saturday!

And nah, There's something... funny but not that funny. I'm going to be far too busy watching Angel on Sky. mmm Spike! ;)

Yo Aqui

cant rap me head around Angel.. used to like charmed but now the series has gone same way as most do.. should quit whilst they iz ahead.....

I dont think its satters anymore... know its Tuesday cuz I phoned up the person (note the slant on equality) who is in charge of what day it is and they said it is definately Tuesday... but it is only Tuesday until tomorrow and then it will be Wednesday, but untill that time I am assured that today iz definately Tuesday... but is it.... how do I know said peep in charge of what day it iz aint on acid???? could happen... could happen.. and you could be a work when really it is Saturday and I wuz right all along :)  "OI what day in charge peep... iz you trippin or wot?"  best wait for clarification



Not that funny Ozzy.  Put me off using hair gel for a Loooooooooong time though ::)

But it's only Tuesday because we have labelled it as such. If we decide to call today Saturday, then it is Saturday. Similarly, what is a day but an arbitrary encoding for a period of time, 24 hours long (another human-made concept). It's not real, any of it!

Never liked Charmed meself. But I can see why it might appeal to the male of the species!


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