Produce > Edible Plants

Seeds - seduced by a name...

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Yes, really nice too but I do miss the old play camera, so tiny and only one button hahaha.

dottie P! can i have some more detail on your squash frame please? i want to grow my squashes upwards too! had some butternuts in my yard in a growbag last year and they covered nealy all of it  :D

Yes please Dottie I too want to try them on a frame as I am down to growing my vegies in my back garden.Now who can I get to build me a frame????

- a ready-made rose arbor - wood or metal? = Tim

I do mine sorta, well it is hard to explain!!  Ummmm well like goal posts, with some wire fencing across. (I had it laying around!! ) Tried using runner bean netting, that worked too, but a bit flimsy for the frame, made it wobble ;D


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