General > The Shed

Inspired by Legless....

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But the thing is does hubby prefer manure conversations o the shoe conversations?

As an aside, I've decided I have Hobbit tendencies ... I'm short, like eating, lurve gardening and hate wearing shoes!

AC x

what on earth does what he actually prefers have to do with anything - I am a goddess, he should just be grateful I'm here!!!

(In reality, he'd rather talk about anything but gardening and does lots of raising his eyes to the ceiling)!!

Oh! I've got one of those too!  I can see him drifting off to his own special place when I start on the gardening thing....

But to be fair, I do exactly the same thing when he starts talking about model aeroplanes.....  we all have our cross to bear....   ;)


some of us have bigger crosses than others - not for nothing did my husband neglect to tell me about his enthusiasm for American country music until AFTER we were married - I can't remember saying 'for better, for worse, for appalling titled country music songs'

Ragged Robin:
brngs to mind the occasion when watching a gardening programme with Littl'un and her friend in the room. I was making the usual "o look at that,      ..... Isn't that a lovely colour" noises; as you do; when I heard Littl'un say to her friend.........
......." Dont worry, you dont have to look, just say mmmmmm and she'll be happy and we can carry on playing"

The youth of today!


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