Photo Gallery > Competition

What am I aiming for?


To enter the monthly competition does the photo need to be a good quality photo or is the comp to find the most interesting one which may, or may not ,be the best technically?

Hope that makes sense to you.   :)

Its not a competition as such, its just a place to show our favourite photo's we have taken this month. So anything goes. Quality isn't important, the voting is done by all the other members so what one likes, might be someones poison. Its just a bit of fun, that's the most important thing.
Feel free to enter, the more the merrier.
Probably better to try and keep image to probably 800 pixels max on one edge.
Look forward to seeing your work in the monthly showdown...

Thanks Dirk.  :-*

I have been out all day and found myself looking at things thinking they might make a good piccie. 

* note to self..... get on with the shopping and stop day dreaming! * ::)  ;D

Come on Maz, no good looking get snapping and posting.


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