Produce > Edible Plants

peas not germinating

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Hi all,

I have been having trouble with my peas the last 2 couple of years, either they rot in the soil or only a few germinate outside, yet if I sow the same seed in a border in the greenhouse I get very good germination and lots of peas.  The only difference I have done the last 2 years is not scatter lime of the top once covered up. I have scraped away the soil and no peas at all in some cases.

any ideas? I understand the rotting is down to too wet soil. But no peas? could it be mice,birds, squirrels?

Tee Gee:
Have you ever tried this method ( as shown in week 16)

Over the last few years we have been getting much higher rainfall around the time we would be sowing pea seeds at least this method avoids this happening.

Thanks for the reply not tried that method but it's the way to go with all the rain

I’ve always had little or no germination from sowing pea seeds directly into the ground. I’d be fairly certain it’s small rodents.
It’s far more reliable to sow them either in modules or in lengths of guttering. Even then I would suspend them somehow from the roof of the greenhouse or sow them indoors to prevent mice reaching them.

Tiny Clanger:
I've successfully sown direct for years sowing Onward, Hurst, Blau Schoke and Sugar snap. However, I've Never had more than 4 germinate from full packets of Alderman or Telephone. It was Alderman this year. 4 growing. I think I'll have them up and get some cabbage in 😖


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