Produce > Edible Plants

Thunderbirds are go....

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Deb P:
I've resown some of my Bush tomatoes as they were too leggy when I transplanted them and I'm struggling to find enough room in the cold greenhouse with so much waiting to be hardened off outside.
Just as I was thinking I was ahead of my scheduled sowing list for the first time!

Al., spent hours pricking out yesterday, so we are off to get some more compost today!  :wave:

Monday was so horrid here I declined getting soaked going down to the polytunnel.

Home alone today so I brought compost and coir pots etc into the kitchen and have sown 20 varieties of chilli, tomatoes, squashes and a cucumber.  They're all now on a heat mat in a bright window in the annex.   I've watered them with a solutio of aloe vera and baking soda to see if it helps withe germination and subsequent growth.

Tee Gee:
Quote; I've watered them with a solutio of aloe vera and baking soda

That’s a new one on me. I would be interested to hear what you expect to achieve by it ?

The only time. I have been involved with baking soda in the garden was for soil testing.

The other ingredient was Vinegar which I also used for soil testing.

I look forward to learning something new.

I read a post online in another forum about aloe vera helping seeds germinate and another where baking soda is beneficial in dealing with fungi such as the one that causes damping off.  It's also supposed to make tomatoes sweeter if added to teh soil when planting so I'll be trying that too.

I'll let you know how I get on.


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