General > The Shed


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OK this time round. 

The last storm had flood water lapping at the edge of our plot.  The site is on a gentle slope with about a 4" drop from ours to the next plot - the 4 plots bellow ours were completely under water.  We wait to see what the long term damage is.

ACE I hoe your dughter's home can be dreid out and cleaned up soon or alternative accommodation found.   At least she can come to yours for a hot meal and some comfort.

Sorry to hear that ACE, hope things are sorted out soon.

Sorry about your daughter's plight, Ace, must be soul-destroying. We got a 4am call from the Environment Agency with a flood warning, but fortunately our stretch of the Derwent stayed where it should. The water table is higher though than I've ever seen, been here forty years, the ditches are overflowed onto the lawn and what I've kept of my veg plot, the asparagus and JA's, are underwater. Not looking forward to the winter much....

Was in hospital in Newport and the car park was flooded also cars stuck in floods at Wootton Bridge. Home now but had a leak on roof so front room damp.
Luckily OH put plastic sheeting up and he is cooking for me as have lost a stone in weight.
Our bungalow is in Wootton Bridge, between Newport and Ryde Isle of Wight.
Miss my Dulcie but OH said no more cats. Cats Protection had a 2 year old cat called Dulcie and looked like Dulcie but when told lady on phone I was 80 suggested an older cat, as they like them to have a forever home and this Dulcie had been taken back twice one for meowing constantly and second time for nipping. Sounds like a character.
Anyway OH said no, and since I was taken to hospital will have to listen to him.
Had loads of runner beans and have greenhouse, now just have to get well.


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