Produce > Edible Plants


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Tiny Clanger:
Like Barriedale Nick, I usually go through Seeds of Italy. They are prompt to answer emails and they were always helpful on the phone. Seedsxare not cheap, but germination % is very good.

Deb P:
Have you seeds arrived yet?
I used up the last of my Franchi seeds of the seeds you were looking for this year, and they were another failed to germinate disaster! 🙄🙄🙄

Yep, they turned up yesterday... and an email answer from the company, which didn't answer my question..

Deb P:

--- Quote from: saddad on July 26, 2023, 09:08:59 ---Yep, they turned up yesterday... and an email answer from the company, which didn't answer my question..

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Well at least you’ve got your seeds!


--- Quote from: BarriedaleNick on July 22, 2023, 19:13:11 ---You can order them through

Oddly they are a UK based company and I struggle to get them here in the EU.

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