Produce > Edible Plants


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--- Quote from: Tiny Clanger on July 25, 2023, 14:43:22 ---I usually sow early March in the greenhouse in toilet roll middles. This year I sowed direct end of April  and germination  has been fantastic. Two rows of Gladiator. Two rows of Warrior.

--- End quote ---

Oooh, that's interesting - mine always either fang like octopuses or head for the clay and have to be removed like the Enormous Turnip. I'm assuming you just dib a hole and drop them in?

Tiny Clanger:
Hi Gray 1720.  If I'm sowing seed, its just the usual.  about 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep, cover and water.  Ground I have manured the previous autumn (horse).  If I'm growing in Loo Roll Middles, I wet them well to help the cardboard rot and make a hole the depth of the loo roll and that's it.  I've had very good results both ways.  I started using loo roll middles after a couple of seasons when the bifurcation got absolutely silly.  I wonder it its something to do with that year's seed?  This years were sown direct and are looking good .

Tiny Clanger:
Hi again Saddad.  Been told by a chum tha parsnip seed iis really bad for aging.  Ive been advised to get new every year. Onion and Spring onion can be very bad trying to get old seed to germinate.

Yes, I know, the old bed was just to see.... actually got 6 eventually... the other bed had fresh seed but refused to germinate despite two sowings... That bed is looking quite full now.


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