Allotment Stuff > The Basics

How many to grow...?

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Surplus raspberries, blackberries and rhubarb we just wash (cut up the rhubarb in chunks) and freeze. They are used in crumbles and such like over the year. Jam and pickles (runner bean chutney is so good!) we buy from WI and church stalls, to outsource the hassle, though my wife does still make (very good) marmalade.


--- Quote from: Paulh on April 23, 2023, 08:43:04 ---Surplus raspberries, blackberries and rhubarb we just wash (cut up the rhubarb in chunks) and freeze. They are used in crumbles and such like over the year. Jam and pickles (runner bean chutney is so good!) we buy from WI and church stalls, to outsource the hassle, though my wife does still make (very good) marmalade.

--- End quote ---
We still have to adapt our diets so as to eat what we grow. E.g. we still haven't eaten last years pickled beetroot and courgette. Some talk of storing such pickles and jams for maybe three months, but we just don't eat such things as pickles and chutneys at anything like that rate.
I must say that runner bean chutney is a whole new concept to me! thanks.

Chutney keeps for a long time, in fact it takes 3 months to mature first before using and keeps for a couple of years in a dry cool cupboard. Jam is the same in that it will keep 2 years and still have the same flavour.  The vinegar in chutney and the high sugar content of jam keep them safe for a long time. I do always store them in a fridge after opening, when I was young we didn't do that but I like to err on the safe side.  Harry we will have you converted in a couple of years time :)


This rhubarb chutney is wonderful and can be made soon so not at a time when we have loads of preserving to do, I have made it loads of times and passed on the recipe many times too,  Definitely worth doing if you have spare rhubarb...


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