Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Turning compost

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I do not turn my compost.  It is in several Daleks.    I do poke it  with a cane regularly to get air into it.  Last year mine heated up quite well but when I use it for seeds there are still a few weeds coming up.  Perhaps two to each module so not too much of a problem.  The seedlings look happy. 
This year the compost is not as good, even though they have had lids on the mix seems much wetter.   
I am hoping to add two bins together so it will all get turned and so have a spare bin to start with the spring weeds.   But I also like the ground underneath where the bins have been, it grows things like crazy.  And the area just in front of a bin is great protection when Mr North West Wind Esq gets into action. 

Deb P:
At home my system is similar to paulh. Using two daleks for kitchen waste mixed with garden stuff and lawn clippings means the contents do get hot but not for very long. They do rot down pretty fast though.
Last year I left them untouched as a wild bee colony took them over so I'll be emptying them carefully soon and hoping they have moved on one way or the other….

I can't get a hot heap at the lottie so just have one giant fresh pile with an old wheelie bin for ‘ bad weeds’ mostly couch and docks and a blue water bin for drowning useful weeds like dandelions nettles and comfrey and use that for watering hungry plants in the summer. The bad bin dries out the weeds over summer and they are then bunged on the fresh heap layered with the fresh stuff. 

I turned one of my Dalek bins yesterday.  Glad I did because it was dry at the bottom.  The rats had brought in quite a lot pieces of plastic, so I have taken those out.  Managed to mix the wet and dry up.   Maybe I can persuade it to heat up again.   

OH has emptied our biggest (1M h x 1m w x 3.5m l) all over veg beds and filled it again by turning the loose heap next to it.   It's been thoroughly rained on these last few days so he's just covered it with green plastic sheeting that's been removed from what is going to become a small wildflower meadow.   It'll stay covered all summer while the heap next door gets re-filled with whatever we prune, weed or mow.

The 3 other usable metre cube heaps have been emptied too so we're going to have to buy in manure for the tomatoes and curcubits - and my roses and dahlias.


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