Allotment Stuff > The Basics

solar panel

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--- Quote from: ACE on February 02, 2023, 12:32:02 ---Small solar trickle charger, 1 battery and a 12v cup heater. 6 cups? you will not get any work done but a lot of pee for the composting :tongue3:

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I agree. Those cup heaters are marvelous..... Slow but effective. A small 50W panel, wired direct to a car battery. You wouldn't need a charge controller or inverter. If the battery ran low, you'd soon know by the lack of hot water.

I take it we're talking cuppas at the lottie with no power source.

In which case, could I run a heated mat off a small solar panel and a car battery?  The light levels in the polytunnel are so much better than in th ehouse, even on a bright window sill.


--- Quote from: Obelixx on February 04, 2023, 12:31:04 ---I take it we're talking cuppas at the lottie with no power source.

In which case, could I run a heated mat off a small solar panel and a car battery?  The light levels in the polytunnel are so much better than in th ehouse, even on a bright window sill.

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Though those elements are good, they can boil dry.
Consider a heated cup/kettle with auto cuttoff.
Typically take 5 amps / 60W so you could boil it up several times a day depleting a big car battery. But the battery is just a reservoir and your panel replenishes it as best it can with whatever sun it can capture. A 100W panel would be a fair start or a pre-owned 200W one. You need an 18V nominal one if you are to avoid spending an arm and a leg on an MPPT controller. Probably spend a tenner on a PWM controller, but not essential at this small scale.

Tiny Clanger:
I have an old "roarer" parading stove and a calor double burner so no idea about solar panels I'm  afraid. A neighbour 2 plots down is having a go at solar panels to run a sprinkler/trickle watering system with solar panels and a timer. Hope he makes it.  :wave:

IMO Solar would not be the answer to your 6 brews a day, a little gas camp  stove would be more economical , if not 'green' . I use solar to run a watering system in the poly , a 25 Watt panel, 8 quid controller. small 12v battery and a bilge pump. it just manages to keep up the power required in the summer , I'm thinking of making a sun follower device, when i have time.     


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