General > The Shed

Good luck with the incoming heat wave!

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Tee Gee:
This is my indoor/outdoor monitor

Indoor is as it says 38°C, out door is my 8x6 GH with door and all vents open.44.5°C

I guess the ambient garden temperature must be around 100 °F, 37.8 °C

30C in the kitchen which is the north side of the house and gets no direct sun.

The garden weather station says 47C in the shade!   The wind has swung round to the south and, even tho it's coming across the bay of Biscay it is very warm.  Apparently all the beaches on the south Vendée coast are deserted.

Deb P:
14 degrees at 7am whilst watering the plot, 25 degrees in the car going home at 09:39; greenhouse thermometer reading 37 degrees at 11am; car said 35 degrees going to aqua at 3pm, and 40 degrees when we went back an hour later!

The house feels relatively cool with all curtains and windows shut but we did put the chilling fan on about an hour ago as it felt stuffy. Will water the greenhouse nearer in a bit for the third time today! Like others have done I’ve slung done fine netting over my young brassicas and saladings in pots and modules  waiting to be planted on the lottie…..fingers crossed they survived! His Lordship has also got us two army neck cooling things that contain gel which swells up in cold water and keeps your neck cool, so I shall be utilising one of those in bed tonight!

It's hotter than Satan's posing pouch here in Oxfordshire. And I, God help me, am playing cricket in it at 6.

Should I keel over and cark it, please make sure that my ashes are forked in at an appropriate rate per square metre. 

Thunder and lighting and the biggest raindrops I have ever seen, all over in 20 minutes but enough for me not to worry about traipsing around with the watering can. Hot again now but a lovely brisk sea breeze to sit out in.


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