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Where is everybody? It's been days since anyone posted  -  I'm worried Dan will think we're no longer interested in AforAll. Come on guys let's hear about your successes or failures so far this season!

My 4 raised beds of squashes, tomatoes, sweet corn and beans are all growing well. I've been picking courgettes, strawberries, blackcurrants and a few early blackberries on a daily basis for some time and the first picking of Cobra beans will be made this weekend.  Slugs and snails have,  oddly, been noticeable by their absence this year  - not that I'm complaining  -  :icon_cheers:.

The apple trees are doing their bi-annual sulk, so apart from one solitary fruit on the Jonah Gold, no apples this year.

The sun is shining and I'm going to harvest some very luscious looking Sunburst cherries 🍒 now.

Tricia  :wave:

I'm assuming everyone's busy.  Not gardening at the mo as I'm in hospital having a new knee so will be out of action a while. 

OH has strict watering instructions while I'm away so the tomatoes don't get blossom end rot or burst, the courgette and squash beds get their supplies so they don't get mildew and my nursery of cuttings, seedlings and plants treasures planting don't wither and die, not to mention all the hostas, fuchsias and herbs on the terrace behind the kitchen.

We harvested and ate or froze all our broad beans by the end of April.  The PSB finished in May and I left il long enough to gather seed as it was very good.   The cucumbers are fruiting heavily and we've had quite a few salad tomatoes and enough to make 3 litres of passata on Saturday.  We've been eating raspberries, strawberries, tayberries and loganberies but the heatwave cooked the gooseberries and some of the taller raspberries.  We've had a couple of pickings or rhubarb but now I'm nurturing the main one to be forced next year and bringing on two babies in the polytunnel to make a proper rhubarb patch.

Beetroot has done well and so have some white Paris onions and the shallots seem fine.  Didn't grow any normal onions this year as the last 2 crops were so poor.  The brassicas are doing well and the 2 pear trees have masses of fruit tho we lost two branches in a storm in early June.

The salad potatoes I planted after they sprouted before we could eat them are doing well too.  I dug some up for Saturday's dinner and they were small but firm and very tasty.

I'm giving up on globe artichokes - huge plants with great form and colour but too much faff to cook and eat so I'm planning to move them to an ornamental area.  OH wants a cardoon too now, but not to eat.

As soon as I'm hobbling well enough I shall be looking to sow some fennel and Chinese greens and maybe rocket and there'll be loads more tomatoes to process for winter.

Deb P:
I’m busy outdoors from early morning either at the allotment or in our own garden…..still catching up on tasks after travelling and then Covid delayed my usual sowing and prep plans!
So still needing to clear some areas of the allotment after the persistant couch made a comeback, but getting there! Today planted the last of the squash and red corn that have been patiently waiting to get into the cleared ground, just a couple of new paths to put in and fruit and herb beds to be cleared and planted up…..sounds easy when I write it down!

Well all the salad crops seem to be doing well tomatoes and peppers also in the greeenhouse there are loads of cucumbers (think I sowed to many) early potatoes did quite well still got second earlies to come sweetcorn and runner beans are growing well beetroot is quite slow thats about it  (I dont post that often but I do check in every evening and thought it was quiet 

Like every season there is good and bad.  Thankfully more good than bad this season.

Even the bad things have not been a complete disaster.  My celeriac is growing so slowly I suspect it may be dormant but perhaps still time to produce something by late autumn.  I had major problems getting carrots to germinate this year either too cold or too dry but did get four decent rows eventually in early May. I filled thin drills with vermiculite to hold moisture around the seeds and sowed very shallow.  I had notably poor germination with sweetcorn and French beans but I sowed plenty so the overall impact is small. My runner beans are badly hit by blackfly.

The good has been really good and the star this year is the soft fruit.  Strawberries, raspberries and blackcurrants all with great yields, cherries and gooseberries and blackberries ready any day now and plums, apples, and pears to come as are red pink and white currants.

I enjoy these on line chats and am happy to post, but when it is quiet perhaps people are reluctant to seem as if they are posting on every topic and hogging the limelight. I think we should all posts a little more. I hugely appreciate the wealth of good advice given whenever I need help or guidance.


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