General > The Shed

The end is in sight.

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Although I took early retirement at 55, I managed to keep out of the way doing gardening shows throughout the summers for a dozen or so years, then for the last 10 years, at my leisure allotments, pottering, telly bingeing and generally being left to my own devices. Now she wants to retire next month, was going to be when she was 60, but a reprieve until 65, then I even blagged another year to 66. But i will not get away with it going up again. So my sanctuary at the allotment is paying for its keep. Time to get a more comfortable shed I think.

Deb P:
Perhaps she might like her own plot to have her own bolt hole….?

There's a good idea, I'll ask at the other site down the town as I don't want her finding out which site I am on.


--- Quote from: ACE on June 24, 2022, 18:54:38 ---There's a good idea, I'll ask at the other site down the town as I don't want her finding out which site I am on.

--- End quote ---

Might be an idea, they might worry that they will get another Ace and tell her there's no plots available.

I appreciate this is all rather tongue in cheek, but Mrs Ace sounds like a good un. Mr Ace retires at 55, while Mrs Ace carries on working until 66.  I retired a little early. I remember the planning with Mrs B. "When you stop working I stop working".


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