Produce > Edible Plants


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--- Quote from: Deb P on June 15, 2022, 13:59:37 ---
 favourite is spiralling them into spaghetti to use in place of pasta, yum!

--- End quote ---
That spiralling is so slimey, I gave it up. Prefer ratatouille or as I am doing with todays pickings fried with garlic and mushrooms, a few slivers of chorizo then rendered down in balsamic until it is nice and sticky. Better than that  spaghetti slop.

I rather like raw courgette grated or spiralled and dressed with lemon juice and olive oil and maybe a squeeze of fresh garlic plus S&P.

Never did get on with ratatouille - too wet and soggy for me - but I love those same vegetables chopped and roasted with garlic and rosemary.  Nice bit of caramelisation and concentration of flavours and no soggy mess.

I've bought some Spanish courgettes today as our plants have only been in the ground 10 days and are only just thinking about flowering.   37.5C today and no rain in sight so the seep hose is going to be needed.


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