Produce > Edible Plants

Now I remember

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..closely followed by that first moment of concern about aromatic micturation before you remember it's asparagus season again!

How frost sensitive is asparagus? My asparagus shoots are mostly just one or two inches high at present.
The reason I ask is that just two weeks ago my kiwi vine was bursting into life, looking green and vibrant.  Some cold weather and sharp frost's later and all those green shoots are black and shriveled. Hopefully it will recover. But  how much cold can asparagus tolerate?

I have noticed that some initial spears on my new seedlings (technically one year olds) have wilted this last week or so, I put it down to slugs or something nibbling but have no sign of damage... perhaps that was the frost. Established plants are basically frost proof.

Yes, new spears will be nipped by frost, but the crowns are hardy. My old ones survived -10 and below in 2010-11 (only to be dried off in 2018).

About half the shoots when I picked that first lot had been frosted,  not black but limp, that's the only downside of an early-cropping bed. A light frost doesn't seem to make a difference but we had some really cold nights last week.


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