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The weather today part 3

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Here in my bit of France - near the Vendée coast - we have temps in the mid 20s which is very comfortable but absolutely no rain and some recent strong winds have been very drying.

We have tomatoes, chillies, courgettes and dahlias with their seep hoses on rotation for watering after 8pm.  Still a teeny dribble left in the water butts for pots up near the house and we have a bucket in the kitchen and the scullery for collecting water while we wait for the tap to run hot.   That's just enough for the herbs and spring onions by the terrace.

And in contrast it was so cold last night we put an extra blanket on the bed.

A bit nippy here, had to turn the heating on. counted about 4 snowflakes before it turned to rain.

Tee Gee:
We had our first snow of the winter today, probably about ½ inch (12mm) all over.

Three consecutive nights below freezing, enough to see off the Dahlias and Nasturtiums but little else has suffered only -1 or -2c no snow.


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