Produce > Edible Plants

Runner Beans what variety

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Brilliant both!! Thank you.  They do seem to look like Painted Lady.  The pictures online look darker.  Perhaps they darken up over time. 
The pods were also quite short as runners go.   But seems that is a good tasting variety, so I will give it a go.  They were dripping in beans, you cannot believe how many pods they threw away with the finished plants. So would seem they pollinate easily as well. 
So yes I already have a spot pencilled in for them. 

And very pretty when in flower.

Painted Lady is a good reminder that they were grown as purely "ornamental" plants until the mid-Victorian period.

The only time I grew "Painted Lady" I felt they went stringy too quickly. The more modern varieties haven't had that defect for me.

Many thanks for the warning, I will try and catch them early.
It seems too that in the USA they grow them for the dried beans and completely ignore the lovely green bean stage.
But I suppose if you picked one too late and just got a mouthful of toughness it would be off putting.  My mother was terrible at serving them like that. 
I do find shops often sell them too old for my taste.


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