Produce > Recipes


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Hadn't thought of using it raw.... might give that a go at lunch as I have half left over from yesterday...

Half left over? never seen that before, but I dropped a bit one day and the pup we should have called Dyson scooped it up and ate it, the others looked up for their bit so I dropped a couple more bits and they were eaten as well, so no halves here. Today more canoes but a made up dish with some cheap sandwich beef off cuts, (don't be tempted in Aldi, it aint nice.) Mixed with some re-fried beans and Cajun seasoning should make it edible.

I think I'd give ropey beef to Dyson and co.

Ace, I have used this recipe for years, posted by Mrs Frog in 2004 and I agree with her, nobody dislikes it!  I make it with courgettes too!

Re:marrow glut
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2004, 21:07:15 »

I have 3 kiddies who make it their lives ambition not to eat veg, but they love this recipe, it's also good for a vegetarian....

Cheesy marrow:

1 marrow
about 3oz butter
finely chopped onion
squished clove garlic (or two, depending on taste)
1 chopped green pepper
8 oz skinned and chopped tomatoes
6 oz mature cheddar, grated, with a bit of mozzarella if you've got it

Peel marrow, slice, de-seed and cut into cubes
Fry in butter until golden
Move it to a plate, leaving as much juices in the pan as poss
Add onion, garlic and pepper to pan, fry until pale goldy colour,
Add marrow and tomatoes, mix well
Put half in an ovenproof dish, cover with cheese
Put other half of marrow mix on top, add rest of cheese
Bake in oven approx 200 C until brown on top, takes about 30 mins

Absolutely delicious!!!!

We have it with a roast, haven't found a person yet who doesn't like it!!

The BBC Food site is featuring courgettes today.  Lots of recipes for pies and pasta but this is one is carb free - and this looks fresh - 


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