Produce > Non Edible Plants

Identification of probably a weed

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I think its Chenopodium rubra


--- Quote from: gray1720 on May 13, 2021, 16:18:02 ---I think its Chenopodium rubra

--- End quote ---

I don't have a suggestion of my own, but thought the leaves in the photograph were too oval in shape (rather than palmate) to be a goosefoot variety. But my knowledge of botany isn't good enough to say for certain.

I am not convinced about the Chenopodium though it is a very large family.  I have several which appear on my allotment they arrive with the manure.  I think it is a flower seeding, I am thinking antirrhinum. 
I had chenopodium rubra last year, it is a pain it creeps along the ground and then pops up, and when you try and pull it up you only pull off one branch and the rest of the plant is still lurking.  So you track the plant back to the root and it is the very devil to pull up.   I actually found the flower heads were nice to eat they have a slightly salty taste.   
Chenopodium family come with various leave shapes the Oak leaved one is very attractive.  Until it suddenly shoots up to a metre or more in height.   Fat hen can do that trick too.


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