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Gardeners World

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Chris Beardshaw pops up occasionally on Beechgrove which is a welcome development tho clearly less of him with Covid restrictions.   He's very good at explaining what and why and how.

Agree about the other GQT presenters.   I'm afraid TB sold his gardening soul for the gimmicky version of GW he presented and Joe Swift might know a bit about garden design but I always get the feeling he doesn't know which way is up when it comes to plants.

Carol Klein is back on ITV this evening Channel 4 or 5.  I have it set to record.

Carol always talked a lot of sense in Garden News and I remember visiting her garden in Devon in 2002 with my parents - I don't know how many rural Devon-livers we have here, anyone who does will not be surprised to hear that it was miles down country lanes, we had to stop at at least two farmyards to ask directions, and eventually got there by turning through a gap in the hedge and driving down a track across a field to get there!

When we did get there, the garden was stunning, and the house... well, it obviously came second, one window was actually boarded up! Hopefully TV fees have let her fix it by now.

Adam is taking over just for the 7th of May to allow Monty 4 days to finish reading his audio book.  Then it'll be back to Longacre and those hedges and grasses........

I fell asleep within 5 minutes of GW starting last week - good job I record it automatically - and probably will tomorrow too as I have my first jab booked tomorrow and a root canal this afternoon.   Lovely.

Deb P:
I guess if you work alongside presenters you get a different view of them…..I have met a few, Geoff Hamilton about a week before he died at a plant show in Rutland, Bob Flowerdew, Carol Klein, Monty and Sarah Raven. I admit I was quite prepared to think Sarah might be a bit uppity but I have to say I was so impressed with her plant knowledge and ideas I have had nothing but respect for her since and use her books and articles as inspiration more than anyone particularly as I have grown more flowers the past few years. I remain more of a Beechgrove Garden fan than GW as the breadth of information they get across in half an hour is much more and in more depth. I like Adam Frost as a presenter but get garden envy at the size of his own garden plus where he works the boarders are so big it’s a bit difficult to extrapolate to my humble house garden!

I’ve never really watched any gardening programmes and I wonder if it’s the scale of them that puts me off - I have a decent sized garden for a small suburban house but everything on these gardens seems to be HUGE and expensive and it’s hard to relate.

Their world feels, I dunno, too easy.


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