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Vermeer's girl with the Pearl earring

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Current best hope is that it came out while filling the tomato or aubergine tubs.. we empty them out at the end of the season to reuse it for carrots and other roots..


--- Quote from: saddad on May 19, 2020, 10:49:34 ---Current best hope is that it came out while filling the tomato or aubergine tubs.. we empty them out at the end of the season to reuse it for carrots and other roots..

--- End quote ---

Best of luck!  :wave:

Did you say 'sparklers'?  Were they detected before or during the bonfire?   :BangHead:

I can sympathise with the tubs full of metal - at some point, someone must have burnt a houseload of furniture on one of my plots, I'm forever turning up castors, hinges and so on. Mind you, I burnt the remains of my old pallet compost bin - how many nails?! The weirdest thing I've found was a .303 bullet case that turned out to have been manufactured in the 1960s with a wooden head for machine gun practice - I can only assume the local OTC were involved! I did also find a .303 bullet (fired), but as we're by a WW1 aerodrome that's less surprising.

The other plot is only a plots-length away, nothing of the sort, yet I turn up prehistoric flints there, but never on the other plot. Make sense of that.

Good luck finding that earring!

Our house in Belgium was an ex farmhouse surrounded by former cow pasture and no garden.   We needed a man with a bulldozer to smooth all that out, scoop out a large pond for wildlife and drainage (bit boggy otherwise) and then come back and riddle it for marking out beds and sowing proper grass.

He uncovered a landmine when moving what he thought at first was just another lump of stone.   Had to get specialist gendarmes to come and take that away safely.   We didn't do any deep digging after that!

I gave up wearing earrings in the garden after losing a couple when out mowing the grass and being swiped by low branches on new trees.  More a case of remembering to take them out than put them on back then.  Nowadays of course I only go out once a week to shop and then forget to put them in.

Thankfully we don't have the same problem with un-exploded Ordnance that the former Western Front has!


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