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Have you seen this yet

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We now have a no visitors rule, really to stop people without plots claiming they are going there when  stopped by the police, like I was this  this morning. I told him if he stopped anybody else claiming to be going there to ask them for the combination of the lock. If they give him a number send them home it is a keyed lock. He was alright with it and asked if there was any plots going spare.

Remember folks, Jeyes Fluid will kill virus. It was only relabelled due to being' too effective' in the wider environment.Do not let it be in contact with a cat.
Other suppliers are(maybe?) available


--- Quote from: ancellsfarmer on March 26, 2020, 17:13:16 ---Remember folks, Jeyes Fluid will kill virus.

--- End quote ---
Forgot all about that, I have been guarding a big container of the good old stuff for years. Perfect for the wheelie bin handles and my wooden gates at home. That will save on the anti bacterial kitchen cleaner spray.


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