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could there be a worse time i think not

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--- Quote from: BarriedaleNick on June 01, 2019, 07:38:09 ---How are you now mate.  Recovered and back on plot duty?

--- End quote ---
indeed nick my boot came off for the last time today i managed to get one plot planted out and will finish the 2nd tomorrow. however the cost was the fruit plot weeds waist high so will attack that over the next 2 weeks getting them up to scratch  how's your recovery been

Glad your cast is off Johnny.  Take it easy.  :wave:

Glad to hear you are on the mend mate.
Recovery has been slower than I thought!
Went to the quacks last week and he reckons 3-6 months till full recovery.  But it's not so bad now and I can do most things I need to do and luckily the plots were in good shape - i just have to take things at a slower than normal pace.


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