Produce > Under Glass

2019 has begun


Tee Gee:
Spent an hour in the greenhouse this morning and one of the jobs I did was to make around 75 litres of potting compost.

I then had a look at how the seeds I sowed last week (22nd) and was pleased to see that my Sweet Peas & Lupins had germinated.

I took a few photos of things that took my eye as you can see below;

click on pics to enlarge!

Yorkshire Lass:
They're coming along very nicely.  Spring just round the corner??

Well done Tee Gee.  I haven't started yet but I do have bags of compost in the PT to warm up for sowing.   Tipping down here and very cold and our daughter is here for a post exams break so it'll have to wait till next week when Possum has gone back to Namur to continue her studies.


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