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Eating up.

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Well, we've eaten all the potatoes and tomatoes now, strange they are related and run out together. Plenty of celeriac, turnip, parsnips, leeks, onions and a few beets left though. How are the rest of you doing? Harvests were smaller, both in size of individual plants and the quantity that survived for most people I think.


here on the sunshine coast we only have an average rainfall of 12"  a year  so i put huge amounts of organic matter into the soil the cover with weed membrane all to stop water evaporation then any crops that i can i plant through the menbrane again to stop weeds and keep moisture in doing this i didnt really see much of a difference in size of plants or yield  but for some yes this hot summer did take its toll on size of produce however i think with a little foresight this can be avoided hope this helps

I will be using the last of the tomato tomorrow (roasting with shallots and garlic), still loads of apples we picked about 6 weeks ago and stored in garage in cardboard wrapping each in tissue (keeping harriet busy). Just brought in 4 apples to make a batch of mince meet and there just as good as when we packed them away.

Not made it over to the veg beds for a few weeks due to the weather but have carrots and parsnips going for christmas, b.sprouts are both small and damaged from the greenfly so i am unlikly to have anything from them. Should have enough Kale and spinach for new year. Leeks are still small and a few are covered in black scale type insect have used soapy water but not checked it recently.

I did have a few carrots but the deer have been enjoying them.  No carrots left only deer poo. 

I do have some spinach.  And I found one raspberry. 

I have quite a lot of Russian Kale but I think I will leave it to get a bit bigger.  It is getting nibbled which is unusual so have netted it.

My parsnips were a total failure but I still have tromba d'albenga  squash.

Did find some potatoes that I missed. they were quite big, so had a nice tasty jacket potato. Desiree.

We had so little rain over the summer, watering was a nightmare.  Water table is still low, so we need a lot more rain before the spring.  Went to Hereford last week and was amazed by the amount of water in the river, its been raining somewhere.

I have some cavolo nero still to crop and some broccoli too tho it has slowed down now.  Have yet to harvest fartichokes and Bintje potatoes which are lates, intended for mash and baking.   Sort of hoping being left in the ground will fatten them up now the rain has arrived.    Still have some garlic left and next year's crop is growing nicely now.  Loads of assorted squashes and pumpkins to eat too.

In the PT I found half a dozen green peppers have finally fattened up and one is starting to turn red.   A dozen lemons coming in the little Meyer lemon and quite a lot of limquats fattening up too.    Sadly, OH's sprouts which I'd potted up waiting for him to clear some ground for them have survived in the PT.  I hate sprouts.


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