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Thinking on me feet.............

So with nearly 50 Bunches of Red Grapes in the garden to go through I made a start lunchtime with this Grape Pizza .....………..I added the Rosemary infused Oil as it works really well with the Sweet Grape Flavour.

Simple Pizza Dough (we prefer Wholemeal hence the Dark finish)
 Red Grapes Seeded and halved
 Rosemary Leaves
 Olive Oil.
 Pecorino Cheese Grated (or hard cheese of your choosing)
 Salt and pepper


Put 30 or so of the Rosemary leaves in a Pestle and Mortar with some Olive Oil,grind the Rosemary Leaves into the Olive Oil to release all their Beautiful Oils and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.

Wash / Seed and set your Grapes aside.

Roll out your Pizza Dough to a size of your Liking.

Brush the Pizza Dough with some of the Rosemary Infused Oil and crushed Rosemary Leaves

Scatter your Grape Half’s how you like over the Pizza

Drizzle with Honey

Season with salt and Pepper

Lastly scatter some Pecorino cheese over the Pizza.

Cook in the hot oven for 10 to 15 minutes depending on your Dough Thickness.

Enjoy Your Fresh Grape Pizza, it was lovely and Crisp with Sweet and Savoury Flavours.

Jude had some Goats cheese on hers.......Juries out but she enjoyed it,so job done.

anyway that's a couple of Bunches used.....45 to go  !!!!!!!!!!


Looks like olives if you didn't know!

Yorkshire Lass:
Do you make your own pizza dough?  Or can you buy it in a packet?

Nearly choked on me Lunch...............BUY..................not on your nelly.

of course you can buy it pre made if you want.

I .....................

Basic Pizza Dough

25g Fresh Yeast / 1 oz…of dried active yeast equivalent
8 Fl oz of warm water
Pinch of sugar
1 tsp salt
400g / 16oz Strong Plain White Flour (or flour of your choosing)

Add Yeast to warm water, and stir, then add sugar and stir again, then leave for 10 mins.

Add Flour to Yeast mixture, then salt.

Combine to a soft dough, then put on bread board and knead for 10 mins
till its elastic.

Put in oiled bowl and cover with Clingfilm for 1 hour.

Knock back dough for 5 mins………..then make into a ball ready for use.

Fridge Dough till needed…………..Freeze whatever is left over.


If you haven't time to wait an hour for the pizza dough to rise a little, try this recipe for pizza dough, one I've always used:
In a large bowl, put 8oz plain flour ( I use 6 white and 2 whole-wheat), 1/4 pt milk, 4 tablespoons oil, 1 teaspoon baking powder, and season generously. Mix until it becomes a quite soft ball.  That's it - really only takes a couple of minutes.
Spread it on a greased tin with your fingers, patting and dabbing and pushing until it reaches the sides, and up them a little. It is really very amenable.  I use a large shallow roasting tin.
Place ingredients on top. bake Reg 6 for about 25 mins.  If freezing, cook perhaps for 20 mins only.


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