Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Helleborus seeds

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 i bought some Hellebore's seeds  and seen in the growing instructions.  The following After sowing seal container in a poly bag and leave  for three months at 20 c then place container  and bag in the fridge for another three months.  return to 20c again as Germination can be slow.I`ve never grown them from seed before,so do I  need to go though all that or is some one here have another method

Deb P:
Tricky aren't they?!
I find neglect and a poor memory works best for Hellebores. I sow fresh seed in trays and put them in a neglected corner for a couple of years, they need cold spells to trigger germination when it warms up. I sowed a tray a couple of years ago from purchased seeds, and have two surviving seedlings, just about ready to be potted on now! I have patience, but TBH I don't think I would bother again.

I expanded my collection by waiting until early summer when the garden centres are getting rid of their stock once its flowered and set seed pods, I got a trolley full for less than £30, and some of the big plants were originally selling for £15 each! Planted them out and they all flowered brilliantly the following year, still going strong.

 That's a good idea and one I will follow

If you do that and the seeds on them ripen, then sow them fresh from the plant. They germinate the following spring with no trouble at all.

Do hellebores germinate?!! Bought several packets as end of season bargains but never seen anything.  However I  went to a National Trust Garden and they were thousands of self sown seedlings.


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