Author Topic: Dulcie and apples  (Read 8154 times)


  • Hectare
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  • Ryde
Dulcie and apples
« on: September 12, 2017, 21:24:52 »
Was going to take Dulcie to the vet today for a check up as think he has cat dementia.  He has stopped sleeping on the fridge, kitchen cupboards and now sleeps behind the fridge freezer on the floor.  Not a lot of point making a vets appointment as he disappeared all day. Tonight he is sleeping in a new place on a tray next to the microwave and was sleeping on my apples, which I moved. Hope he hasn't got blocked again as cat litter tray not wet, but he seems a happy cat, or another visit to the vet if we can find him tomorrow.


  • Hectare
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Re: Dulcie and apples
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2017, 09:42:27 »
My cats ring the changes on where they sleep.  It's always a case of finding them before I go to bed because if they are accidentely locked in the lounge, they could damage the carpet, wallpaper and curtains.  I expect Dulcie finds it warm behind the fridge freezer as the motor will give off some heat.  I hope his urinary problems have not returned.


  • Hectare
  • *****
  • Posts: 3,483
  • Ryde
Re: Dulcie and apples
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2017, 20:00:39 »
Dulcie is getting back to normal, he has changed from his beloved tray in the kitchen to a jigsaw box in the living room which we let him sleep in overnight.  He is peeing so much that I have to keep changing the cat litter tray, and he is a very clever clean cat, and immediately I wash it out and change it he is peeing again. This is so much better than nothing coming out, so bless him. He even sat on my lap this morning, took my crossword pen away and got annoyed when I tried to drink my coffee.  I am not sure if it is the prescription food, cat soup, or the pills the vet gave me, but he seems to be getting back to his own self and not hiding away.  Never thought I would be grateful for cat pee, but as he always went out did not know he had a problem, but pleased to get up this morning but didn't like the smell of the very wet cat litter tray.  I am happy but still overdrawn, but he is worth it.  :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:


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