Allotment Stuff > Allotment Movement

Honoraria anyone?

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My allotment association gets a grant of about £6.5k from the council, plus other benefits like grass cutting etc. The association committee awards itself more than half of this in honorarium payments. Is this reasonable? They manage just over 400 plots on about 10 sites, but the posts are described as 'voluntary'. It's unclear from meeting minutes how this money is distributed, the only reference to it in minutes is to 'cheques haven't been cashed, please do so', nowhere is it detailed who gets what, and how this is decided. Do most allotment association committees award themselves these payments?

The lack of full transparency is very worrying.

My association does award one honorarium, but is a small amount, and goes to the treasurer who spends many hours keeping and preparing detailed accounts. Complete financial details of income from rents, shop sales etc and all outgoings and a detailed report is tabled at the AGM. The AGM also covers field managers report on rents taken, number of plots rented, plots vacant, evictions, water use, right down to minor expenditure on pest control / rat traps.

It works well because everything is open and above board. Visibility is a good policeman.

We have no honoraria (as per my other post). I would be very concerned about the lack of transparency and accountability this throws up.

It should be clear in the accounts and discussions at the AGM what these are awarded for, on what basis and for how long. It cannot, imo, be deemed a voluntary role if they are receiving payment for anything other than direct expenses.

It is also worth remembering the meaning of honorarium.

An honorarium is a small amount of money given as a thank you rather than a real substantial payment.

Now this is 2017 and inflation means that money does not go far, so £50 would be generous but perhaps not unreasonable. More than that looks dubious.

Do you have an AGM? Is there no vote to approve accounts? Could you not propose a motion and get seconders and vote to reject the accounts until they include the required details. Even if you lose the vote it would be in the AGM minutes and they should be seen by the council.

Thanks for replies. There are no minutes as such that I have seen from the AGM which was held in March, only 'notes'. This is the extent of the treasurer's report: "(treasurer) presented  and explained the accounts.   He said that plotholders saving water during the year had made a big reduction in  the water bills.  Postage had increased though and he asked that people let him know if they change email addresses." And that's it.


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