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Seren unwell

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Luckily, despite all the recent tests she's had done and being away from home, she is still loving visiting the vets and can't wait to get inside and have a fuss. It's just travelling in the car she's not keen on, she reluctantly tolerates it! She's always had lots of nice outings in the car (beach, park etc), sometimes we just sit in and have a few treats and then back out without going anywhere, or just start the engine without going anywhere. She will take a treat while we are moving now so she is getting less stressed by journeys.

I'm not sure why it is, she disliked it from the off, might have been the stress of being separated from her home and family, though she seemed to handle it quite well. Perhaps it was the distance she had been traveling back and fore to the vets for puppy injections etc before she came to us. She's never been sick in the car so I don't think it's car sickness. You're right she does seem better traveling on the seat rather than the boot, just not always possible.

I'm definately looking for a harness for her to wear while on the seat.

Seren went back to the vets on tuesday for another checkup and for a urinary sample to be taken and sent off for examination. Just had the results, it's all clear, no sign of infection lingering there either  :icon_cheers:
It was so hard leaving her there for the day, though happily she was more than willing to trot off with the vet, and didn't give me a backward glance. When I was leaving her when she was poorly, she wouldn't take her eyes off me and the look she gave was gut wrenching!

Picture is Seren just before she could have her onesie suit off, she was so good not trying to get at her stitches, she did lick her shaved patches on her legs quite a bit though. She still on supervised (lead only) exercise, but able to do more and more and I don't think she can wait until she is able to have a good run around.


Great news.  Very pleased for you both.


--- Quote from: Obelixx on May 19, 2017, 09:58:40 ---Great news.  Very pleased for you both.

--- End quote ---

Yes indeed, another milestone passed.  She is such a cutie.  Please give her a pat from me  :wave:


--- Quote from: galina on May 19, 2017, 11:49:50 ---Yes indeed, another milestone passed.  She is such a cutie.  Please give her a pat from me  :wave:

--- End quote ---

Thank you, lol she's been loving all the extra attention she's been having. I told her the fuss and pat was from you and she seemed to totally understand and wagged her tail even more than usual  :grommit:  :wave:


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