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What is wrong with Dulcie

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Hi Ya, how is dulce doing? hope he is on the mend and looking good, what did they say was wrong? I know how you feel as I would be heartbroken if any of my pets were poorly. Fingers crossed

He has had a good weekend at home, apart from the fact he can't go out, and has to take 6 tablets a day, and 2 mouth squirts, but are a pain to do.  He hasn't done a poo, or a wee in the dirt box, so have made an appointment for tonight at 4.45 pm. Apparently if they have a blockage and can't wee, in 3 - 6 days they die, and not weeing was affecting his brain.  Have found the best way to get him to take pills is a tin of sardines, cut out the small bones and hide them in the liquid.  Think he did wet a bit on my old fleece last night, and my trousers this morning, which I was very pleased about (which is a funny thing to say) he is having a lovely sleep now so seems a shame to take him to the vet again, but can't let him suffer if he cant pee.  Bloods test all OK, but apparently male cats and men can get a blockage which is very painful and dangerous.  Probably will pee and poo in the carrier as he hates cars, carriers and vets.  He is asleep and I am very worried, as really can't face having to put him to sleep, but vets know best and don't want him to suffer. Hopefully just a check up and he can come home tonight.  Yesterday when it was so hot, did open the lean to door to inside not outside and he had a lovely sleep in there.  Bless. No more animals.  Not really want him to have to go on the catheter again, but he may have to, vet knows best and the High Barnet vet are brilliant, but it is costing me a fortune.

I find it helps to crush pills with a  teaspoon and hide the contents in a bit of mince or sardines or butter.   

I hope he responds to all the TLC and you have many more years together.

wishing very hard that you get the best kind of news.

Come on Dulce! We're all rooting for your speedy recovery!


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