Author Topic: New allotment progress report  (Read 2424 times)


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New allotment progress report
« on: July 21, 2016, 09:35:43 »
Hi everyone, wow what a difficult growing year for me to get a new allotment!!!! So very wet here in Kent that even hiring a beast of a rotavator wasn't much use on the heavy saturated clay in Late April so I cheated a bit....I transferred my 13 plastic raised beds from my North facing back garden (they haven't produced much at all in the last 4 years in the garden) & I half filled them with allotment clay & topped up with peat free compost bought from a local garden centre. An expensive thing to do when growing directly in the soil would have cost virtually nothing but I am so glad I did this because I have had fantastic harvests from the raised beds. Plus my back garden has had new turf & is now a lovely play area for my 2 year old grandson.

I did plant some things directly in the ground...Autumn Raspberries, only 5 out of 20 came to anything but I have been refunded by the garden centre & will replant the missing 15 later this year. Potatoes...Charlottes doing really well, infact they are huge! I put these in using a bulb planter as the ground was way too wet to dig. So they were only about 6 inches below the ground level & I earthed up with compost & grass cuttings. So far only 3 actual spuds have had any sign of green on them so I think I will continue to use this method as it was so much easier. Courgettes are only now coming to life & I have had 4 from 2 plants so not a success...yet. My Butternut squashes are so small, the light levels have been so bad here that they have only grown in months the amount that would normally take a week! Now we have a heat wave so they may catch up a bit if I can water them enough.

The rest of my crops I have grown in the beds. I have had fantastic Turnips, Mangetout, Sugarsnaps, Beetroot, Chard, lettuces of many varieties, cucumbers ( in a bed with plastic over them until this week so like a mini greenhouse), Dwarf Purple Beans. As the beds have emptied I have put in Leeks & Kale & Purple Sprouting. My Pea crop is nearly ready & looks really good.

I was annoyed at the silly rules at my site where I had to get written permission for raspberries in the ground & strawberries & gooseberries & Blueberries had to be grown in pots but I am actually grateful now as my strawberries have been great with no slug or bird damage at all & no rotting in the wet weather. The Gooseberries don't like being as high up off the ground as they are but I got a decent crop for the first year...think I will sneak them into the ground once my raspberries are big enough to hide them. The Blueberries have been great.

My plot is riddled with Marestail....the site rep didn't mention this when I viewed it before any signs of it were showing which I feel is a bit naughty of him as there are plots available on the opposite side of the site that don't have it. I have had to membrane the raspberry bed as dealing with the Marestail was becoming a full time job. And all my paths between the beds have been membraned for the same reason. In the raised beds the Marestail is so much easier to remove with loads of root so at least I get a breather before it grows back, the compost allows me to really dig about to find it before it even reaches the surface. It does seem to be weakening in the raised doesn't seem to like the compost as much as it loves the heavy another bonus from using the beds.

I have been so impressed with the ease of using beds at the allotment that I am going to build a lot more & use this as my main way of growing with very little planted directly into the actual clay. I have bad arthritis & the beds just being that foot taller than the soil surface does make life a lot easier for me. Initially I will have to buy the compost to half fill them but in time I can replenish this with my own compost & I intend to grow green manure plants in empty beds this Winter.

So all in all a very successful few months in a very difficult growing year....thank you everyone for all your help, advice etc. I love how supportive this Forum is & how quickly questions are answered. Thank you all you are a fabulous bunch of people. xJane     
« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 09:40:54 by Crystalmoon »


  • Hectare
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  • Derby, Derbyshire (Strange, but true!)
Re: New allotment progress report
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2016, 07:22:34 »
I wish all our new tenants put in as much effort... glad you think it's been worthwhile.


  • Hectare
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Re: New allotment progress report
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2016, 07:56:58 »
Thanks saddad I actually visited your allotment site in June when I was holidaying in Derby, DebP showed me around. What a wonderful site you have...I wish I was on a site that allowed me to fence off my plot. You have amazing facilities there. We don't have toilets or anywhere to make a hot drink, we aren't allowed to cook on our plots, there isn't a shared greenhouse or any of the wonderful things available to your tenants (we can't even have deliveries of manure etc at my site). Visiting really made me wish I could have a plot on your site. With such wonderful facilities I can't understand why tenants wouldn't make a decent effort with their plots. It is such a shame they don't fully appreciate what a wonderful site they are on. 


  • Hectare
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  • Derby, Derbyshire (Strange, but true!)
Re: New allotment progress report
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2016, 22:54:03 »
Some guys have all the luck...
It bothers me sometimes then I just think bring on the next tenant.......

Deb P

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Re: New allotment progress report
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2016, 10:35:46 »
Glad you've got the 'Lottie bug' Jane, it either grabs you or it doesn't (as you saw on our site) , with all the restrictions you have on your site you have done really well!! I love looking around other sites and plots, there is always something new to learn and a new way of doing things. Saddad helped me when I was a newbie, I can remember asking him if I had to water in the potatoes I'd just planted as I'd never had the space to grow them before, to his credit he didn't laugh at me!
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


  • Hectare
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Re: New allotment progress report
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2016, 16:29:58 »
Ha ha yes I know I have asked some very odd newbie questions on here in the past...& not so distant past. Bless Saddad for not laughing. I was heart broken when I had to give up my original allotment 4 years ago & have been eagerly awaiting my new one ever since as the raised beds in my tiny North facing garden didn't produce much at all. I guess the lottie bug really did grab me right back in the beginning, I knew I missed having a plot but didn't realise how much until I got this new one. I find I get quite grumpy if I don't get a chance to do some work on it because I am having to do tedious things like paperwork!

Someone on my site got a plot 2 away from mine at the same time as me & almost overnight they had an instant allotment as they had about 6 people helping them & all manner of petrol tools to help like rotovators, tillers etc...all the plants turned up looking quite mature so I am not sure if they grew them at home or bought them...not that it matters at all. A lot of effort & money went into their plot, new sheds up, greenhouses, poly tunnels, bark paths etc. They won the best new comers award which I thought was well deserved....BUT...something very odd has happened they haven't harvested anything at all so all manner of fruits & veg are rotting or going to seed. The paths have been cut so they must have been down to the plot & things appear to be watered as nothing had turned to dust but not a single thing harvested. I can't get my head round it at strange  :tongue3: 


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