General > Computers / Internet

HELP !!.. new laptop

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Are you on Windows 7 or 8?

I can then give you step by step instructions

However if you click on start and then you will find control panel in the right hand menu bar on Windows 7

Windows 8 is a bit different and there are different methods dependant on whether you have touch screen or not. However if you know how to find the search in Windows 8 just type in control panel 
If not let me know whether you have touch screen or not.

When in control panel click on Clock, Language, and Region to find the language settings

Hey I have done it. not sure I could explain it but it s OK now. I  did what you said about the US thingy and now it works.. I just have to figure out why me desktop icons keep going to globes now.. some have come back. My icons wouldn't move either but I managed to fix that..gee with all your help I can become a real computer nerd soon.

Thank you

XX Jeannine

Restart your computer then on the task bar along the bottom right click and click show desktop should resolve that issue.

Glad you are getting there.

H Davey, I tried the last bit and that didn't work..I did everything you said. XX Jeannine

That is a shame as that is the easy fix that works a lot of the time.

There is ways and means to resolve this issue but all a little complicated.


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