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Computer woes

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Is this a laptop? If so decrease the sensitivity of the mouse pad should cure the problem it is often set too high and the slightest touch causes font to scale.

Office is a ripoff at any price when you can download Libre Office for free, or use Google Docs for free without downloading anything.

Well done Daveyboi . I think you have lead me to the source of the problem.  A big thank you.

Seems the mouse is clever and works with different actions if you use a different number of fingers.  So if you just rest your hand or a finger on the mouse pad then when you move the other hand things happen.  since I am a touch typing I tend to rest my wrists onto the mousepad occasionally so as soon as you touch it with something else other things change.  This seems to make the computer do all sorts of things apparently randomly.  I am not sure how you are supposed to type without touching the mouse pad.

The machine is designed for a two finger typist who dabs at the keyboard,  so I will have to switch off the ability to use two fingers on the mouse pad. 

Mind you finding the control panel is not easy.  You are not expected to want that.

Done it.  Fantastic I have got my life back.

Normally a new version of windows takes a few days to get used to but in the end seems good.  This time I am spending time switching off the new features which I feel I have paid dearly for.  Even solitaire has ads now unless you pay extra.

A would really like to have continued with windows 7.  There is nothing in 10 which I like.


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