Photo Gallery > Competition

Place your vote for the Harvest Photo Comptition

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Picture 1 :

Picture 2 :

Picture 3 :

Picture 4 :

Picture 5 :

Picture 6 :

Picture 7 :

Picture 8 :

Picture 9 :

Some interesting photos to choose from and remember you can vote for two
Voting closes in ten days time on Sunday the 1st of November

Thank you

Oh, that's complicated my choice!  impossible to choose just one,  but I'm not sure it makes it any easier to choose just two out of this lot.  They are all brilliant, and so very different! i'll go to bed on it and look again tomorrow. 

Just realised that the numbers are at the top so I voted for the wrong ones.


--- Quote from: Digeroo on October 24, 2015, 10:51:17 ---Just realised that the numbers are at the top so I voted for the wrong ones.

--- End quote ---

Oh dear still I am sure the votes will be appreciated by them.

Again while setting the poll up I did wonder whether to use the option that allows users to change their vote during the time the poll is open but can never decide whether that wise or not.

I think it is best not to be able to change  your vote after having voted, and therefore having seen how the votes are going.  I also think it is a brilliant idea not to be able to see how the voting is going before you choose which you are voting for.
I actually  used one of my votes myself, then allowed my husband and daughter, who is staying with us, to use my other vote!


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