Allotment Stuff > Allotment Movement

Deposits on allotments legal?

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Our council is imposing deposits of £25 to £50, depending on size of allotment. They propose to take the money and keep it indefinitely. When you quit your plot, they return the deposit IF your plot is clean and tidy.

At first sight this sounds quite a reasonable defence against being left with the expense of clearing messy plots for the next tenant, but on examination it could be crippling for many of us trying to grow vegetables and fruit in an economical way - especially as they are putting up the rents by 50% at the same time. Secondly, it is not at all clear how perfect the plot has to be for the deposit to be returned.....landlords take deposits from people renting their houses and flats, but they are notorious for refusing to return them on spurious grounds.

It is retrospective legislation in that those of us who have plots for years have to start paying the (one off) deposit this autumn. The most indignant are those who have put immense amounts of energy and money into creating wonderful and productive plots, as there are to be no exceptions.

Is it legal to demand these quite large sums of money (£100 for me, with two large plots) and keep them indefinitely?

Any thoughts or similar experiences?

A concession from the council later today: current plot holders need pay a deposit of only £10 per plot which is a great relief to me. But new arrivals must pay £25 - £50 per plot of which we have several lying vacant.

lottie lou:
Mmmm, methinks a large deposit system could put potential plotholders off.

Indeed.......and if these plots remain vacant, and over the years plot holders leave for one reason or another, and the plots remain empty because of the expensive rents plus large deposits........the council could conclude that there is no demand for allotments in our area and release the land for development.....

lottie lou:
Great minds think alike


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