Photo Gallery > Competition

October Photo Competition

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Waiting for a sunny  day! Perhaps others are doing the same.

I haven't a photo that fits the "harvest" category as I didn't really grown much this year apart from a few straggly chillies and tomatoes.  We did have a good strawberry harvest but I didn't take any photos of them. 

Our local farmer finished his harvesting in August and we had mini stonehenges made from straw all over the field behind our house.  I didn't photograph them either! 

Does it have to be a recent photo please as I may have some in my archives that are a few years old?


--- Quote from: Paulines7 on October 11, 2015, 09:49:18 ---

Does it have to be a recent photo please as I may have some in my archives that are a few years old?

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I am sure a photo from the past will be fine if it has not been entered before.

We now have 2 entries thank you and looking forward to more.

Peanuts did say the subject was very broad so  I would say the harvest means any gathering of a crop or produce maybe even rain water and not just an autumnal thing.

Busy harvesting squash so hopefully will have a pic soon.


--- Quote from: Digeroo on October 11, 2015, 21:17:35 ---Busy harvesting squash so hopefully will have a pic soon.

--- End quote ---

Same here! :wave:

(oops now that's a bit of a give away!)


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