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I'm not being notified of posts.

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George the Pigman:
Over the last couple of months I have not been receiving the usual notifications by email of posts. I have checked my profile and the relevant box is ticked and also have checked they aren't ending up in the spam box.
Anyone else had this problem?

If you REPLY to this, if you expand the "Notify me of replies", is that ticked?  (I believe it should mimic whatever the Profile setting is, when the Post/Reply is made)

George the Pigman:
Yes that is ticked!

Notification emails going into your Spam / Junk folder perhaps?  Sorry if that is an obvious suggestion!

EDIT: Ignore that, you already said you had checked that, sorry!

Email address not changed has it (either yours, or the one that the forum profile is set up for)?  Equally obvious suggestion!

George the Pigman:
No email has been the same for donkey's years.
I was wondering if it was being filtered by the ISPs spam filter. I'm with TalkTalk but if so everyone else on the site who uses TalkTalk would have the same problem.


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