General > Computers / Internet

Uploading photos

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Is it letting you choose a file to attach?

Yorkshire Lass:
This is the coffee and walnut cake I made for tea today. WE have visitors coming and they always expect a cake or two!

Yorkshire Lass:
Thanks Jayb. One of them has worked but the gardening one still has a blip. I'll try again later.


--- Quote from: Yorkshire Lass on October 19, 2014, 14:17:24 ---This is the coffee and walnut cake I made for tea today. WE have visitors coming and they always expect a cake or two!

--- End quote ---
Oh scrummy! Can I visit Pleeeease!


--- Quote --- but the gardening one still has a blip.
--- End quote ---
Perhaps one of the more techie sorts will be along soon and be able to help.


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