Author Topic: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!  (Read 4104 times)


  • Hectare
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(rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« on: April 18, 2014, 13:57:11 »
OHHHHHH....I need to channel off some(only some!) of my steam... :angry4:

We have couple of youngish girls living next door..and while the other one, main rent'ee has settled to live amongst us middle aged neighbours..well the whole street recidents are more of 'mature' is her lodger that is irritating the hell out of me.. :evil1:

The lodger girl is on her own during day...and while the 'cat' is away, she is using the opportunity play her (rubbish) music LOUD. While ago she opened her room window and put speakers on the opening>music on while hanging laundry out. I shouted her to turn her 'racket down...please'...which she probably didn't even hear for the noise..I certainly couldn't hear my OH on the other end of telephone 'line'.
Admittedly this time she really get to me....and I 'rigged up' my stereo ready for some challenge. My player might be old...but will still show how us 'oldies' can if we set our mind to it... :evil6: I purposely choosed from our large selection of music the most 'faddy daddy' song with message... :evil6: I opened my window...had song on pause, ready for delivering the 'message'..and it all went quiet... :BangHead: I don't usually result such childish 'games'...but was already chuckling for the reaction little bit 'good' old Engelbert would achieve......"pleeeeeeease release me let me goooooooooooo...." :evil6:
She finished hanging her laundry....SLAMMED the back door shut and turned the music down to more 'human level'...and now I'm left with my chance to 'educate' her..I'm not that 'evil' to disturb the rest of the neighbours with the lesson without good reason doing so....they would probably 'get it' before the 'shameless'.
There is dog muck all over their garden is their dog's toilet as it is not walked at all....their dustbins are full and partially open so they stink too...their bath's outpipe is not in position so all the disposed water run on the pipe and on to the yard...add to this the dog mess that is walked over, the house must be nice and clean :confused3:
Even our dog doesn't 'do it' in our garden...yesterday OH did wash our yard with Jeyes mask the 'aroma' from next door and maybe it would drop a hint...(big chance).
Last winter I dropped letter to them explaining that drilling 11pm is not 'very nice' as the noise carry during night so well that it sounds like they would be drilling in our room..and we like to sleep at that time...and OH is not very nice person when he is tired for having to wake up 5 am for work...they would not like to deal with him in that state of mind.. :evil6:
Why oh why is it so difficult for some to be bit more considerate for others.....

That's it...I feel better now... :icon_cheers: 
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 14:12:39 by goodlife »


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Re: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2014, 14:40:40 »
Sounds a bit of a nightmare goodlife - it can be very wearing if they are an inconsiderate bunch.

I forget how lucky I am with my neighbours.  Naturally being London we are a mixed bunch but they are all so nice and friendly I forget that many people aren't like that.  We have a lovely Greek family next door whose bbqs always smell divine and we often get cake (some of the family own a coffee/cake shop) and bits of food passed over to us.  The other side are couple from Ghana but the lady has a broad Scottish accent and he is as English as can be although his name is Ludo!  They too are nice and quiet unless the rugby or footie is on and their son is lovely and polite and I don't mind how many times I have to throw the ball back over the wall!
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


  • Hectare
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Re: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2014, 14:59:11 »
Your neighbours sound great.
I can't fault our 'street'...most of people have lived here 'donkey's years' and we get on just is comforting for knowing most of them so long and able to chat 'where ever'. We have only few rented properties on street and people don't seem to stay for that long in they don't get to/want to settle in and learn the way of life amongst us...but living in rented house or not..there is always 1 that will give hassle to others.. :BangHead: Fact of life in everything.
Personally I don't mind where ever people are from, it can be interesting having people from different backrounds as neighbours, it is the manners that matter...


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Re: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2014, 19:27:11 »
Sorry that you are having this trouble with your neighbour, it is horrible, especially as your own home is so lovely, you must be great neighbours to live next to!.  You can make a complaint about noise and get it monitored by the council, but when people are unreasonable  like this they are often likely to respond in some other unpleasant way.
Wish I could offer some help but feel free to rant.


  • Hectare
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Re: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2014, 19:52:44 »
Sorry that you are having this trouble with your neighbour, it is horrible, especially as your own home is so lovely, you must be great neighbours to live next to!.  You can make a complaint about noise and get it monitored by the council, but when people are unreasonable  like this they are often likely to respond in some other unpleasant way.
Wish I could offer some help but feel free to rant. could get council far the noise issues have been only 'now and then' and one has to be very desperate for peace before starting sounds like full time job that I would not have time for.
I would not expect youngsters being quiet as such....just being reasonable with their volume will do. I do remember, in not so far memory :tongue3: being young and noisy myself..that was within limits of course :angel11:
As for the other issues...we are only ones who see their back yard so they would know where the complaints originated from.
Having cars parked up on is easy to people get their revenge or be 'difficult' if they should want we usually try more kinder way of explaining why they should not do what they do...makes living with neighbours that little bit easier. cannot be always perfect and little mishaps, like my temper tantrum today nearly happened, do happen.
Rant feeling has passed now...tummy is full and mind in cannot carry on ranting when one is stuffed.. :icon_cheers: :glasses9:


  • Hectare
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Re: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2014, 22:16:21 »
We live in a very peaceful area, but the last place had a nightmare neighbour who was a bit mouthy with it. So we had a bit of a do and all the bike club came around 20 Harley riders in full club regalia, long hair, beards, tattoos, and the attitude to go with it. Sorted, not a peep after that.


  • Hectare
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Re: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2014, 23:07:17 »
We live in a very peaceful area, but the last place had a nightmare neighbour who was a bit mouthy with it. So we had a bit of a do and all the bike club came around 20 Harley riders in full club regalia, long hair, beards, tattoos, and the attitude to go with it. Sorted, not a peep after that.
Oh I like that idea.. :icon_cheers:
In my younger years ,back in Finland I did hang out with some quite scary looking bunch of biker you described.
Looks can be quite deceiving.. they were just long haired 'teddy bears'.. :tongue3: :icon_cheers:


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Re: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2014, 03:28:16 »
We live in a very peaceful area, but the last place had a nightmare neighbour who was a bit mouthy with it. So we had a bit of a do and all the bike club came around 20 Harley riders in full club regalia, long hair, beards, tattoos, and the attitude to go with it. Sorted, not a peep after that.
That's just what we need in our quiet tiny neighborhood where everyone gets along except one man. He always goes to impulsive extremes and sometimes gets nasty. He beat up a live in girl friend, police were called, and she went to live with another family on the street. He later picked a fight with another neighbor, slugged him and ended up in court. (The one who was hit has a wife who is a lawyer.) Unfortunately his teenage son has to put up with his father's rages.

One night I thought I heard gunshots, but it was him celebrating their wedding setting off firecrackers. Another night I heard a helicopter flying in very low, sounded like it would come through our house, maybe a plane ready to crash. He'd paid for a helicopter to fly very low over their house "to celebrate her birthday." Is that not very wierd?

One day he chased our friend who was driving to see us and blocked our friend's car in our driveway with his car saying our friend was driving too fast. He is a very scary fellow indeed.  One funny thing though: he built a big garage attached to his house for his truck. The only problem: he didn't measure the height of his truck and it doesn't fit through the door!! :drunken_smilie:
The handle on your recliner does not qualify as an exercise machine.


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Re: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2014, 06:48:51 »

Looks can be quite deceiving.. they were just long haired 'teddy bears'.. :tongue3: :icon_cheers:

Yep. Good job they didn't see them last weekend, delivering easter eggs to the childrens ward and old peoples homes.


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Re: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2014, 07:54:16 »
Hope that you feel better for your rant Goodlife :happy7:
We are lucky with nice neighbours, (after having problems a few years ago they have moved now :icon_cheers: )
Maybe they will grow up and turn out a bit better, not quite  :angel11:  but better!


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Re: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2014, 11:09:41 »
Sorry to hear about your troubles, Goodlife. 

If the house is rented, I wonder if they are allowed to keep pets there.  If you could find out who owns the house or who the renting agency is, it may be possible to have a word with them.  The owner should at least repair the waste water pipe. 
Hopefully, the girls may not have their contract renewed if they are not looking after the house.

We have 18 neighbours whose gardens back on to ours.  Fortunately, their houses are all a sufficient distance from ours so we don't get any noise problems.  We get problems with bonfires though from two of the neighbours.  One burns plastic and other carcinogenic materials about twenty feet away from our house.  The other one burns all his household rubbish and lights it during the day when the sun is shining.  Sometimes we cannot see across our garden for thick smoke and if I am gardening, I have to give it up and go indoors as smoke plays havoc with my eyes.  We do complain, of course. 


  • Hectare
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Re: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2014, 12:18:46 »
Another night I heard a helicopter flying in very low, sounded like it would come through our house, maybe a plane ready to crash. He'd paid for a helicopter to fly very low over their house "to celebrate her birthday." Is that not very wierd?

Not only weird...sound like somebody want to be bit 'show off' he by any chance 'little man'?..suffering with "little man syndrome"? wanting to prove to neighbours being something 'special' (bigger)?

Sounds like now matter how nice neighbourhood....there is always one 'snake' amongst to cause is like nature's way of balancing things..happens in every situation. Can't have too much of good thing.. :BangHead:
« Last Edit: April 19, 2014, 12:30:12 by goodlife »


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Re: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2014, 12:29:43 »
After all this typing...I just started to wonder what do neighbours think of us... :drunken_smilie:
I suspect we, I have reputation of being 'no messing about' with her.. in past I have 'corrected' few other neighbours grown up sons off for being loud with their music..particularly about car stereos. But I try to do it such a way that we can still comfortably live on same street and change greetings.
I think they see me bit 'different', not only because I'm foreigner..but lot of my odd hobbies can be 'swept' under same name tag.. :icon_cheers: ..I get away with many weird things because I'm foreigner.. :icon_cheers: ..and nobody is not surprised anymore as such..but more of 'what has she got up to now?'
My parents brought me up with very strict 'rules'..and I expect those rules from others too...but I try to smooth my sharp edges with little seasonal gifts for neighbours..I often share my spare produce from lottie or pot of honey, it does miracles for neighbourly relationships :angel11:
« Last Edit: April 19, 2014, 12:32:26 by goodlife »


  • Hectare
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Re: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2014, 13:54:27 »
That's a good idea, Goodlife. A little sugar to sweeten the reprimand!

What I'd love to have available for the youngsters who blast their music is some video capability where a device takes a video of their face today and ages it, say 20 years older, and places that onto an actor that acts out a hard of hearing person who repeatedly asks his friends: "What did you say?", "What did the reporter say just now on the telly?" "Why are people talking so quietly on stage? I can't hear this at all!"
The handle on your recliner does not qualify as an exercise machine.


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Re: (rant warning!) Bloody neighbours!
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2014, 20:21:15 »
Environmental health about the dog mess.


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